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Friday, December 28, 2018
Virginia Flaggers Prepare to Return to Lexington for Lee-Jackson Day Commemorations
Friday, December 21, 2018
30' x 50' Battle Flag Returns to Virginia's Largest Confederate Flag Site in Danville
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Is Now Really the Right Time to Raise Your Battle Flag...?
In a group whose purpose it is to save our monuments, I was just told that those of us who carry flags cause just as much damage to our Cause as the Black Lives Matter agitators.
*Deep breath, ...count to 10...
Folks. It's not about the flag. It's not about slavery. It's not about racism. It's not about the War Between the States.
It's about the leftist goal of eliminating every trace of our Godly heritage and making us forget there was a time when we stood up to tyranny. They started with the flag because it was an easy target and they knew our people would cave (see Nikki Haley) because they have conditioned us to keep our mouths shut. There is no appeasement. Compromise leads to more demands. Facts, truth, and reason do not matter. Education is useless for most of these people.
All that's left for us to do is stand, fight, and...with the same defiance of our ancestors...RAISE YOUR BATTLE FLAG!
We are looking forward to 2019 with renewed hope, strength, and determination. We hope you will join us in the fight.
All glory to God.
All honor to the Confederate soldier.
It's not about us.
*Photo courtesy Judy Smith Photography
Monday, November 12, 2018
Veterans' Day Salute - Virginia's Last Surviving Confederate Veteran
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Virginia Heritage Group Poised to Raise 29th Roadside Memorial Confederate Battle Flag
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Election 2018 Virginia Voter Guide - These Candidates Want to Protect Historic Monuments and Veterans' Memorials
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Monday, October 22, 2018
LEE Chapel at W&L Vandalized- "Gay Pride" Flags Nailed to Doors of Historic Lexington, VA Church
This, on the heels of a recent announcement by the W&L Board of Trustees that portraits of Lee & Washington in military attire in the Chapel would be replaced and the doors to the mausoleum CLOSED during University events to prevent the fragile students from having to view the magnificent Recumbent Lee memorial. Robinson Hall will be renamed to Chavis Hall and the Lee-Jackson House will also be renamed.
ALL of this comes just a few years after W&L officials caved to the demands of SIX extremist law students who demanded historic flags be removed from the chapel, among other outrageous requests. The university capitulated to EVERY single demand.
THIS is what happens when you pander to Godless heathens. They are NEVER satisfied and they will violate school and public law in their temper tantrums to get their way.
Where are the men of courage and conviction to rise up and defend the honor of men like Lee and Washington and discipline those who dare to commit such acts as these?
God bless the eternal memory of Robert E. Lee and God save the University he so dearly loved and saved from destruction.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Private Security Hired to Protect Monuments in Charlottesville, Richmond
Our experience is that the monuments are targeted when the leftist haters do not get their way. In anticipation of a Kavanaugh confirmation this weekend, we have hired security for this weekend in Charlottesville and are looking at adding some patrols in Richmond, as well.
The companies we hired received praise from the Richmond and State Capitol police, and the coordinated efforts between our Monument Guards, hired security, and State Capitol and Richmond police were very successful. Monument Avenue residents have also offered their appreciation and thanked us for our efforts.
We received an email from the security company we hired to protect Lee and Jackson in Charlottesville. Apparently a resident saw the security vehicle patrolling the night before, and called the company the next morning, wanting information on how they could get in touch with us to donate to help fund the extra security.
Just having a presence out there is sending a strong statement to the haters, elected officials, and private citizens who want to join the fight.
We offer our sincere thanks to all those who so generously gave toward the monument security fund. We will continue to monitor the situations in Richmond and Charlottesville, and have additional, private security on call, ready to assist when needed.
In the meantime, our RVA Monument Guards continue to patrol in the Capital of the Confederacy and we are always looking for new recruits to assist in the endeavor. If you would like to help, please contact info@vaflaggers.com for more information.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Va Flaggers Hire Private Security to Help Protect Monuments in Charlottesville and Richmond
Earlier this week, we announced that we had contracted with private security to help protect the Lee & Jackson monuments in Charlottesville this weekend and asked for sponsors to help cover the costs.
The Neo-Marxists who were behind the riot and monument destruction at UNC have been linked to the monument destruction in Durham, and Antifa-led riots in Charlottesville. Their goal is to use their “success” in North Carolina to encourage and teach others to do the same across the South.
Because of their strong ties to Charlottesville, the move-in of UVA students this week, and the upcoming holiday weekend, we decided to provide extra security for the Charlottesville monuments this weekend.
We have no confidence in a City Council who made its disregard for the laws of the Commonwealth and its disrespect for our history and heritage perfectly clear when they voted to violate state law and attempt to remove the monuments. City Council members are on record as supporting those who organized the riots, violence, and destruction in North Carolina, and would no doubt welcome and encourage the same in Charlottesville.
We are not going to sit by and let that happen.
The response to our request was overwhelming. When we realized that this week was also move in for VCU in Richmond, and that there were many events planned by local radicals for the August 30 anniversary of Gabriel's Prosser's failed Rebellion, on top of the increased vandalism in the days since the violence at UNC that led to the destruction of the student memorial there, we decided to hire security for the Richmond monuments, as well.
It will also give our Monument Guards in Richmond a break this weekend, some of whom have been out overnight continuously for the past two weeks.
The private companies will supply experienced security guards to patrol the Lee & Jackson monuments in Charlottesville, and the dozen or so monuments we protect in Richmond. We have coordinated our plans with local law enforcement in both cities, and our Monument Guards will work in tandem with them in both locations.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Honoring Silent Sam - When Good Men Are Pushed Too Far
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Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Remembering Silent Sam Until He Is Restored - Citizens Leave Flowers As Remembrance
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Giant Confederate Flag on I-64 Near Charlottesville Flying High As Flaggers Appeal Zoning Board Decision
Our guardians of the flag were busy over the weekend, switching out the flag at the Charlottesville I-64 Spirit of Defiance Memorial Battle Flag Site. While the 30’ x 50’ Flag was undergoing major repairs, a 20’ x 30’ was temporarily raised in its place.
Today, the original 30’ x 50’ flag is back up and waving proudly.
Many of you have asked about her, hearing the press reports that the flag was coming down.
She’s not.
Last week our attorney filed a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari and Declaratory Judgment with the Circuit Court of Louisa County, after the Louisa County Board of Zoning Appeals narrowly voted to deny our appeal of the Louisa County Zoning Board’s determination that the flag violated their zoning laws.
This is not our first rodeo. We did our homework and believe we should not be in violation, and have the evidence to prove it. We believe that Louisa County officials expected we would not go to the trouble and/or be able to afford the high cost of legal fees for these appeals.
They have underestimated us. Thank you to each and every one whose generous support has helped us to be able to continue this fight.
In the meantime, the flag will continue to fly, to the Glory of God, in honor and memory of our Confederate Dead, and as a reminder to Charlottesville City Council that we do not take their illegal and immoral attempts to tear down our war memorials lightly.
To assist with our Interstate Battle Flags and ongoing Heritage Defense projects, please make checks payable to
“The Virginia Flaggers” and mail to:
P.O. Box 547 Sandston VA 23150
Or contribute through PayPal, here:http://www.vaflaggers.com/i95flagdonate.html
A. P. Hill Memorial/Grave Site Vandalized in North Richmond
Just after midnight last night, Richmond Police discovered red paint splashed on the A.P. Hill memorial on Richmond's Northside. This memorial is also the general's final resting place.
Our monument guards, alerted that the Jefferson Davis monument on Monument Avenue was under specific threat, concentrated their efforts on Monument Avenue last night, and were joined by a heavy Richmond and State Police presence.
We can only assume that the vandals were forced away from Monument Avenue by the heavy presence and went looking for another target, less protected. There are dozens of Confederate monuments and memorials throughout the city.
1) Please call the Richmond City Parks and Recreation and let urge them to get the memorial cleaned up as soon as possible. Remind them it is a grave site and deserves to be treated with care and respect. Please call (804) 646-5733 as soon as possible.
2) Volunteer to help! Our Monument Guards have been patrolling around the clock for the past several weeks, but with the violence and lawlessness in Chapel Hill over the weekend, we are going to need more help. Please contact info@vaflaggers.com if you can help.