The first week of our Black Flag Campaign was, by all accounts, a
phenomenal success!!
Despite COLD temperatures and a brisk wind, 10
Flaggers made their way to the Boulevard on Thursday, March 6th. While the
frigid weather kept pedestrian traffic down, there was plenty of vehicle
traffic, with many honks of support and appreciation! The Flaggers have been
reporting for several weeks now that they are experiencing more and more
positive feedback recently, as new signs and new 24' flags bring our efforts to
the VMFA's front door.

Our resident protestor returned for the third time, and one of the Flaggers
who occupied the position nearest to him at the Chapel, filed the following
"I showed up a little early - in battle gear and
war bonnet - because you said we had hoisted the Black Flag. The cold NE wind
was whipping, and I displayed the combination Virginia/Southern Cross that I
dearly love very prominently to those who happened to drive by. A little before
1500 hours the Tricycle Twerp (TT) was seen approaching on his noble steed. He
posted by the sign post where he had posted before and set up his Psy-Ops. As
Cool J - or whoever - was set blasting away for my edification, I went over and
said "howdy" and shook his hand and said I was glad he could make it, and wished
him a nice afternoon, and told him how much we appreciated his support.
Anyhow, I had not been there very long, and shortly after TT appeared,
Miss Judy, Jim, Marvin, Jimmy, Tom, et al. all began showing up. As per SOP, we
deployed around the perimeter in groups of two and three - Jim, Marvin, Judy and
me holding down HQ. Nobody could hear the gangsta rap very clearly, as he was
not too close and the good nor'easter was blowing it across the road for the
edification of the neighborhood over there. We all were having a big ol' time,
as always, and not paying him any attention.
We got some "toots" - one
with the "we're number one" salute, and another that a Black woman crossing the
street told us that it was for her, not us - but the rest all for the Flaggers!
We had one pretty young lady who stopped and asked us all about what was going
on. She was an immigrant from someplace in New York and was very interested and
very positive and very supportive and asked if she could take our picture.
Notwithstanding our modesty, we agreed to let her take our picture.
precisely 1552 hours, the Tricycle Twerp (TT) saddled up and made a "tactical
withdrawal" - or perhaps as Gen. McClellan after the Seven Days' Battles might
have called it, a "change of base." As he peddled off into the sunset - overcast
by cloud cover - I thought I heard him say something about the "sunny beaches,"
so I inferred that he might be heading for Florida on his tricycle, since
Virginia Beach is not yet open for the summer season.
Anyhow, we held HG
and the sidewalk in front of the VMFA. Marvin at one point went into the VMFA
for something, and said the flags out front were lookin' mighty fine from the
coffee shop!
Always do, IMHOP, from any point of

A great afternoon, indeed, but nothing prepared us for Saturday, March
BEAUTIFUL weather in the Capital of the Confederacy... Sunny,
high 60's and breezy, and 20 FLAGGERS gathered, the largest group
we have had this year! With so many troops, we were able to spread down the
sidewalk and around to cover almost the entire block!!! The glimpse of spring
like weather meant traffic on the Boulevard was heavy all afternoon, with great
conversations such as this one with a group of college students (left) and first
time young flaggers (right).
Our protestors returned, with new signs...but after failing to get any
attention or reaction, headed back from whence they came, long before our
Flaggers abandoned their posts.
Flaggers reported that conversations were so plenty and foot traffic so
brisk that there were often folks waiting for a chance to speak with them! LOTS
of positive honks and almost 100% support for our efforts.
"Operation Black Flag" continues tomorrow, Tuesday,
March 11th, when we will be Flagging the VMFA 3:00 p.m. - Dusk. JOIN US and be
a part of those who are taking a stand against the VMFA and their dishonoring of
AMERICAN Veterans and desecration of the Confederate Memorial Chapel. If you
can't be there, we ask you to please take a moment to support the troops on the
ground! This week, we are asking you to contact STEPHEN BONADIES,
Collections and Facilities Management at the VMFA. Contact Mr. Bonadies by
or by phone at 804.340.1524.
Tell him it is time to end the
nonsense and return the Confederate Battle Flags to the Confederate Memorial
Chapel, and restore the honor to the Confederate Veterans who lived and died on
the grounds of the Old Soldier's Home.
RESTORE the honor!
Tommy Clinger
Va Flaggers