ROANOKE -- Last week, we reported that the NAACP in Roanoke, Virginia, working with City Council members, had attempted to have the Battle Flag banned from the city's Christmas Parade. They were unsuccessful, and the NAACP then called for the local SCV to "compromise" and use another flag. 28th Virginia Infantry SCV Camp #491 Commander Mark Craig refused and the call went out for supporters to turn out and line the parade route.
On Friday, the unit marched as planned, without incident:
Spectators and participants reported more flags than ever before in the parade, and overwhelming support by parade watchers, who cheered and shouted as the unit passed by. The NAACP and local Democratic Party called for a protest, and it consisted of less than a dozen people holding banners, who were largely ignored and very strongly outnumbered.
The BEST report, however, came from Dan Smith, a local journalist who had been instrumental in pushing to have the flag banned and calling for protest. He opened his blog report with these comments:
"Simple truth. We lost this round. Lost by a mile. The Confederate Flag supporters are organized and turned out like Donald Trump's hairdressers."
Priceless! From the man who had called for mass protest of the parade...and wound up standing alone!
He went on to report: "I don't know how well our protest of the flying of the Rebel battle flag went, frankly, because the NCAA's protest call was ambiguous (it instructed its people not to turn their backs) and my gang, which I wanted to show up in black and turn their backs when the flag passed, had a crowd of one: me. So, I will concede in much the same way Al Gore conceded to George Bush in 2000."
CONGRATULATIONS to Commander Mark Craig and the 28th Va for their courageous stand, and GOD BLESS all who came out to participate in the parade and/or show their support. What a great night in the Old Dominion and a great example of what can be accomplished when we stand! fight! and NEVER back down!
DANVILLE -- Meanwhile, Confederates in Danville are celebrating another victory after it was announced Friday that Cara Burton, the Director of the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History, had tendered her resignation.
Ms. Burton was the driving force behind the removal of the Third National Flag from the Confederate Soldiers Monument on the grounds of the Sutherlin Mansion, the Last Capitol of the Confederacy. It was her letter to City Council in September of 2014 that requested the removal that instigated the events which would lead to the City Council vote 11 months later that forced the flag down.
In the few short months since, the backlash from the citizens of Danville has been swift and strong: 9 new massive roadside battle flags have been installed, a lawsuit was filed and is pending appeal, the city is rife with division and strife, and Ms. Burton and the museum were the subjects of heated protests and efforts to put the museum back in the hands of those who honor and respect our heritage.
One down, a couple of scalawag City Council members to go!
Finally, we are pleased to share that new billboards have been installed at the Danville flag site #8, on Highway 58, just East of Danville, and are greeting residents and visitors as they enter and leave town...

Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150