Va Court Rules Democrats Can Move Forward With LEE Monument Destruction

repeated and recent polls that show the overwhelming majority of the
citizens of Virginia OPPOSE monument removal, Gov. Ralph "Blackface"
Northam and fellow democrats will likely move quickly to destroy the
magnificent Robert E. Lee monument, the last remaining memorial on what
was once regarded as the "Grandest Avenue in the South."
The Supreme Court of Virginia has ruled that democrats can move forward
with their plans to remove the majestic equestrian memorial, which include chopping up the bronze statue in order to move it out
of the city.
We would like to
thank all those who worked on this case, from the brave residents who
filed suit, to the attorneys who took the case and did everything
possible to save the monument, all at personal and professional peril.
If you ever take a wrong turn and wind up in the city of Richmond, and see the burnt out remains of the once great Capital of the Confederacy, be sure and thank a democrat.
God forgive them. We never will.
Now we wait to see if any Republicans in the Commonwealth will have the
backbone to speak to the issue. We will keep you posted...
In the meantime, we will do what is expected of us...our duty.
The courts, state and federal, have been uniformly afraid of their own shadows when it comes to opposing the left.
This is a travesty, but why won't anyone take a physical stand against it? This is literally a communist take over. We should hope to gather enough support to have people oppose these measures or get an injunction .
GOD forgive my thoughts. To avenge those communist animals. I hate bullies. There is nothing supreme about the communistwealth of VA sadpreme court. Scoundrels that ignore Deeds and written agreements. May the curse of hell descend upon these woke frauds. May the same fate of New Orleans be administered to Richmond with relentless destruction upon the perpetrators of evil and utter nonsense that they do to this country. I am a GOD fearing man and this is my prayer. Prayer works. And at some point in this world when evil people don't listen to words there is nothing left but action. Will a million patriots surround the Memorial? That is the action. 100,000 rotating out by color code every 6 or maybe 10 hours. Or some kind of a rotation to have 2 days off then a full day on. Non stop. 24/7. Sometimes a career has to be haulted. It seems at some point we have to move in a great number. Or else we won't have a country left to move in. I never thought I would see the day. It came quickly. I have heard the saying, more and more lately, The South will rise again. Where I am above the Mason-Dixon line, more and more Battle Flags and license plates are appearing. The light switch is close at hand. It won't be pretty when it happens and neither is communism. I pray for GOD's intervention and or our intervention. Be blessed and GOD Speed.
Deo Vindice 2/22/1862
Ok. Let's file a lawsuit. I will donate.
Shameful. Democrats are evil. They want to destroy the southern people and our culture.
I will donate as well.
Shameful! Who wants to be in those marxist cities anyway. Get out of the cities and let them fall. The politicians are evil.
I understand the hesitancy of some to try to do some sort of action to stop the removals, but someone should have at least been there with a loudspeaker to speechify about the travesty. It would have been funny and outrageous if someone started playing 'Dixie' from a big sound system nearby too.
For now it is our duty to speak of our past, without visuals to accompany us. But! Be sure that nothing ever bears the name, or memory of Northam... accept the out house, at the city dump.
Nor shall your glory be forgot while fame her record keeps and honor points the hallowed spot where Valor proudly sleeps.
We will never forget General Lee's service to his country.
This is where I am at with all of the destruction of history: May the curse of hell descend upon them that lay a hand on any marker, Memorial or artifact etc. pertaining to the C.S.A. portion of my American history. End of discussion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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