We had a dozen Flaggers out on the Boulevard and the good weather meant heavy traffic and plenty of conversations, including this lady, who came by wanting a history of the battle flag.
We had a great conversation and she left with "ammo" (that's what we call the literature we distribute) including Rev. Weaver's "Truth about the Confederate Battle Flag" CD, and was very appreciative. We suggested she visit the UDC for more information, since the HQ was open to the public that day. Imagine our surprise when she came back by some time later and we learned that she actually went the extra mile and followed our suggestion to go the UDC. She found Teresa Roane there, had a great follow-up conversation with her, and seemed really excited to learn more!
This is just one example of the many opportunities we have to share the truth about the Confederate Veterans who lived and died on the grounds of the Old Soldiers' Home, and the flags under which they fought, each and every time we forward the colors on the Boulevard.
We also wanted to share this great comment , which was posted the FaceBook page post from flagging the VMFA on Saturday, by a resident of the museum district. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. :)
"I live across the street and have been stuck at home sick for three days. At first I was angry because people kept honking their horns--until I realized that they were honking in support of the Flag! Long may it wave! (And for that guy whose car horn plays Dixie--you rule!!!) "
God bless those willing to open their hearts and minds to truth and reason, and God bless the Flaggers who forward the colors and provide the opportunity.
RETURN the flags! RESTORE the honor!
Barry Isenhour
Va Flaggers
Hi! I hope you do not mind, but I wrote a short blog post about the Virginia flaggers. If you wish me to remove the picture, I will do so. I know it may be copyright. Thanks!
Susan, glad to see the battle flags (instead of the naval jacks) going up. I think the naval jacks would be more appropriate when honoring areas/memorials related to our naval deeds.
Thank you, but for the record, the rectangular shaped battle flags we fly are representative of the Army of Tennessee version of the Confederate battle flag, not the naval jack. There were many, many rectangular versions carried in battle, even within the Army of Northern Virginia. Even so, we are also quite fond of the ANV pattern ourselves, and are pleased to have this new supply of custom flags available.
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