Early Tuesday morning, October 17th, we received word that the Jefferson
Davis Monument on Monument Avenue in Richmond had been hit by vandals some
time overnight, who spray painted "Racist" on the front of the pedestal.
Our folks were on the scene before noon and reported that the city already had dispatched crews to clean the monument.
Monument Guards remained on the scene all day, talking with law enforcement, local press, and local citizens about the vandalism. By 4:00 p.m. the monument was completely cleaned up.
Unfortunately, vandals struck AGAIN Tuesday night, painting the monument again some time before dawn...
This time, the city had crews out early Wednesday morning, and the monument was clean before noon.
Last night, we doubled up our Monument Patrols, and at dawn, Monument Guards reported in that Jeff Davis, and all of the monuments, had been spared the vandals' attacks overnight. They reported heavy police presence throughout the night and increased awareness by Monument Avenue residents, angered by the senseless criminal acts.

We will be looking to increase our Monument Guards presence over the
next few weeks, in light of these back to back attacks and the growing
rage from leftists as they are turned back at every attempt to eradicate
our history and heritage in the Commonwealth.
If you would like to volunteer to help in these patrols, please contact us at info@vaflaggers.com.
We are also working with Richmond Crime Stoppers to establish a reward for information leading to the arrest of the individuals responsible for these crimes. Stay tuned for more information.
If you would like to volunteer to help in these patrols, please contact us at info@vaflaggers.com.
We are also working with Richmond Crime Stoppers to establish a reward for information leading to the arrest of the individuals responsible for these crimes. Stay tuned for more information.
Finally, I wanted to give a big Flagger shoutout to all of the Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Take Em Down, and other various leftist activist groups for what has been an unintended, but happy consequence of their actions.
Whenever they desecrate one of our monuments with paint, the memorials end up getting a (in many cases) much needed cleaning. The Stonewall Jackson monument at Manassas was vandalized a few weeks ago, and after the NPS was finished with the clean up (within 24 hours) the photos of the monument after the restoration were stunning! These folks are unwittingly contributing to the much need cleaning up and restoring of our monuments, all across the country!
Before and after pics from Manassas below...
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