* From such a narrow view as this, these bones cry out. The men interred about us here had died in vain if death had been defeat. They live because defeat meant victory!*
* What were those ideals consecrated at First Manassas, exalted at Chancellorsville, sealed and accepted at Appomattox? These ancient oaks whisper them; these gray coats attest them; these women who for fifty years have kept this sacred day bear witness to them; these children's faces unwittingly reflect them:*
* That government is the choice of the governed, a sacred right that only tyranny can overrule; That it is for the governed to change their government when its powers are misused; That those who give may take again and shape to better use the creature of their hands; That in defense of freedom, self may not be reckoned or sacrifice be counted; That duty to righteous principle is duty to God!*
Dr. Douglas Southall Freeman,
50th Oakwood Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony
May 10, 1916
*SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014*: Revival of the Annual Confederate Memorial Day
Service at Oakwood Cemetery
10:30 a.m. - Procession through the cemetery
11:00 a.m. - Memorial Service at the Confederate Monument
*KEYNOTE SPEAKER*: Wayne Jones of North Augusta, SC will be our guest speaker. Wayne is best known for his extensive research and study on the Life and Times of Major General James Ewell Brown Stuart. An active SCV member, he currently serves as 5th Brigade Commander in the SC Division, and is a candidate for ANV Commander.
PLEASE share this email with others, and visit the Facebook event page
Join us as we revive what was a grand tradition in Richmond and honor the thousands of Confederate dead who rest at Oakwood. We are looking for folks in period attire to participate in the procession through the cemetery. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Contact us at info@vaflaggers.com if you have any questions or would like to present a wreath on behalf of your organization.
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150
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