Friday, August 19, 2016

Victory! Anti-Confederate SJW Convicted in Richmond General District Court

In June, we reported that charges had been filed against two separate individuals for assaults against our Flaggers.  You can find the original story here:

Yesterday, both cases were heard before the Richmond District Court.

The case against Kristofer Goad, who verbally assaulted TriPp Lewis, was the first heard.  

 Kristofer Goad (AKA "Goad Gatsby")  See the video of the incident here...  **WARNING:  GRAPHIC PROFANITY**

 This is the same individual who has tried unsuccessfully for several years to organize counter protests against us.  For some time, he would show up alone, on his tricycle, and attempt to drive us away by blasting profanity-laced rap music at very high volume levels.  Five years later, we are still out there, twice a week, and he has long since given up and gone home.

 The trial started with the judge asking TriPp to describe what happened.  When TriPp's testimony began, the judge stopped him and asked that all children be cleared from the courtroom due to the level of profanity the defendant had used.  When the prosecutor played the video, the profanity laced shouts and rage from the defendant could be heard echoing through the chamber, obviously effecting even those who could not see the video being played at the bench.

The defense attorney then tried to make the case that since neither the crowd nor TriPp had actually ACTED OUT when provoked, that the defendant wasn't guilty.  He moved to dismiss the charges based on this assumption.

The judge denied the motion and in his comments blasted the notion that somehow a crime had not been committed simply because the man being assaulted was a gentleman and kept his cool and did not react in any way.  He went on to say that one cannot direct that kind of language, in that manner, at an individual, or at a group ABOUT an individual, and not be guilty of breaking the law.  He found the evidence more than sufficient to convict.

At this point, he turned to TriPp and told him, "What happens from here is up to you, Sir.  Do you want this man to have a record?"  To which TriPp quickly and emphatically replied "YESSIR."  

He was convicted of the misdemeanor and ordered to pay a fine. The judge's final words to Kristofer:  "Clean your language up, young man"

Plans are underway to also file a civil suit.  Stay tuned...

 The second case, heard the same day in the same court, was to hear charges against this woman, for pouring the contents of her beverage on several of our Flaggers as she walked down the sidewalk in front of the VMFA.  Although she admitted to VMFA Security that the act was intentional, and there was video presented from VMFA security cameras that clearly showed her walking by and slinging the drink at our Flaggers, she changed her story when questioned in court and claimed the act was unintentional and that she only meant to pour the drink on the ground.  This after her attorney argued unsuccessfully that the act in itself was not battery.

Because of this, and the fact that she never looked at our Flaggers, or said anything to them when she did it, the judge found that there was reasonable doubt as to intent and dismissed the charges.

We also plan to explore the possibility of filing a civil suit in this matter. 

 Overall, we are satisfied that we were able to get the conviction and that even though the other case was dismissed, the arrest and trial will serve as a deterrent not only for the woman involved in that case, but for any others who think that just because they disagree with someone or what they say, they have the right to disrespect or assault them.  We will not tolerate it and will continue to prosecute any such incidents to the full extent of the law.  For those who escape justice in the courtroom, we know that God will vindicate and leave the final judgement in His hands.

Finally, we still have charges pending against this man, Jonathan Romans, who has a history of spitting at our Flaggers and shouting obscenities and holding signs that falsely claim that we are "KKK" members, and  prior convictions of curse and abuse.  Mr. Romans has four outstanding warrants currently, 3 for disorderly conduct and 1 for assault, but the Richmond Police have been unable to locate him to serve the warrants.

RICHMOND AREA RESIDENTS:  Please be on the lookout for this man and call RPD immediately if you see him. (804) 646-5100


Todd said...

Great job of standing up for your rights. Tomorrow I will be driving my truck with Confederate Flags on it to our monthly cemetery clean up here in Jacksonville Fla. I will be thinking of the Virginia Flags while I drive. Todd

maggie said...

Excellent! I for one am so impressed with the restraint shown by so many in this Nation who've been attacked just for believing something different than someone else. I applaud my Southern Compatriots for showing dignity in the face of a bunch of Rabble Rousers who know NOTHING about The South except what they've been fed and digested... they used to call that Propaganda. But that's another letter. Back to point; God Bless all of us in this battle. Deo Vindice

Meade Skelton Haufe said...

In all retrospect, it seems these people have serious mental issues. I think we need to pray for them .