Tuesday, February 25, 2025

High Bridge Flag Fight: Judge Rules to Quash Subpoenas of County Officials


In the ongoing fight to force the removal of a memorial battle flag, judge Robert Downing ruled yesterday that Prince Edward County officials, including members of the Board of Supervisors, do not have to testify as to the motive for a flurry of new zoning laws that put numerous restrictions on citizens who want to fly flags on private property, passed after emergency sessions held just days after the flag was raised and dedicated.  In a hearing on the county's motion to quash subpoenas that had been issued by the landowner's attorney, Judge Downing agreed to approve the motion and quash the subpoenas, noting that he does not need to investigate the reason the zoning laws were enacted to decide the case. 

Although the county has lost at every attempt to have the 80' pole removed, after both its own Board of Zoning Appeals and a Circuit Court Judge agreed that there was no grounds to force its removal, it continues its persecution of one of their citizens.  In the latest criminal charges, county officials have pulled an obscure ordinance out of the bevy of new laws passed in response to the flag raising, and are claiming that when the flag was changed out due to weather and wear and tear, it constituted the erection of a new "sign" when the replacement flag was raised and now must conform to the new "sign" (flag) laws, which would limit the flag size to 1/2 of its current size, making it out of proportion with the pole size.  

During the proceedings yesterday, the attorney for the county made it clear that all charges would be dropped and the case dismissed if the landowner simply complied to their wishes and put up a smaller flag.   

That's not going to happen.  This case is clearly an attempt by the county to force a property owner out of the fight by outspending them and forcing them to give up.  A recent FOIA request found that the county has spent over $120,000 of taxpayer dollars on attorney fees for just the first set of legal proceedings THEY initiated. They have apparently greatly underestimated us, the landowner, and the fighting spirit we inherited from the very men that are honored by this sacred memorial.

PLEASE NOTE:   Due to circumstances beyond our control, the trial slated for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 24th has been POSTPONED. Please stay tuned for more details and updates. 

Contact the Prince Edward County Board of Supervisors here

Contribute to the fund to assist with mounting legal fees  here

The Virginia Flaggers' Farmville Rt. 460 High Bridge Memorial Battle Flag was raised and dedicated in April, 2022 in memory and honor of the Confederate soldiers who died in battles in and around the area at the close of the War Between the States.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn’t time that people raise up and protect themselves from those wishing to restrict personal freedom especially on their own land that not intended to harm others! Republican or Democrat, this is about a few deciding what’s best for the majority in their backyard and your backyard. This time some of you might be in favor of what your elected & misguided representatives are doing, the next time you may not. Stand as one and stop the racial few from dividing you and your family, neighbors and friends. No statement is worth that. Life is too precious and too short!