Report from our friends at The Monument Fund, September 13:
will post a more in-depth synopsis of today’s proceeding next week, but
we are elated and grateful to report that the monuments to Robert E.
Lee and Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson will continue to stand in
Charlottesville, Virginia and that Judge Moore will award Attorney’s
Fees in an amount to be determined in the very near future.
The rule of law prevailed in Charlottesville, Virginia today!
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to attorneys Ralph Main and Colt
Puryear; to The Monument Fund’s Executive Director Jock Yellott; to
Spokesperson Charles “Buddy” Weber; to the Virginia Division of the Sons
of Confederate Veterans; and to each individual Plaintiff on this case.
would also like to thank Judge Moore for his very thoughtful and
careful approach to this complex and long case. Those of us fortunate
enough to have sat in on the proceedings over this 2 1/2 year period
appreciate his humor, patience, and intelligence - he is an asset to
this community.
finally to you - for your monetary donations; prayers; words of
encouragement; and support. You have been an invaluable resource
throughout this process.
A glass raised to us all on this monumental achievement!"
We must not fail to remember our history. Preserving the monuments of our great sovereign REPUBLIC will help remind us of how we became what we are so that we can continue our journey and seek to mend our every flaw! GOD bless America!
This sculpture of Stonewall Jackson was created by Charles Keck one of the most important sculptors in America of his era. The base of this sculpture is an integral part of the sculpture as a whole. The Base appears to be carved Limestone. This is not really a reparable situation. No repair of carved stone is ever satisfactory. Stone sculpture is the most valuable of all art forms because it is a medium that does not allow for any mistakes! Bronze allows for all sorts of mistakes and repair. Not so with marble. A single mistake after months of work can ruin a work completely. If Keck were alive today he could sue the individual who attacked this piece under copyright law for the entire value of the work. There is no statute of limitations except the death of the creator. As it is this value of this work of art is incalculable and into the millions! This damage affects the entire integrity of the piece. Not only it this attack a very serious felony involving the destruction of property, but also should be investigated as a hate crime based on the defacement to the piece. The SCV and DCV need to bear down on this matter and not let up and make sure that a proper criminal complaint was filed and that it is being investigated! Local police and State Troopers, from my experience, can not be trusted, especially because of the politics of this matter and their bosses are largely the problem and not a part of the solution. This is comparable to the attack some years ago on Michael Angelo's Pieta in the Vatican.
It is time for people to organize Committees of Vigilance and deal with matters in the old fashioned way if the government will not do its duty. It is one thing to spray paint something or thrown blood on it that can be cleaned off with large amounts of public money and elbow grease. It is another to desecrate and destroy monuments of immense value. Whoever did this should be caught and an example should be made of them so that others will not even think of such things in the future.
This action shows gross negligence by the City of Charlottesville, and they have a public responsibility to protect these monuments. Certainly they are on the National Historic Preservation List and protected under 36 CFR 800.5 and VA Code 15.2 Sec 1912. The City needs to be sued over this matter for their failure to protect the public and its property. Officials need to be recalled and the people need to start a recall petition immediately! Heads need to roll in the police department. But more than anything, Virginia voters need to turn out in vast numbers this November to overthrow the Democrats in the Senate and House of Delegates, so that they will not get the two-vote majority they need to overturn the monument protection laws that Judge Moore used to win the SCV case against Charlottesville. That law is in great danger of repeal if the Legislature goes Democratic. It will be repealed and the Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General and numerous local government leaders are ready to tear down monuments. If that happens there will be great bloodshed throughout the Commonwealth. It is long past the time to stand up. But it is - Do so now or prepare to fight later... For there surely will be blood in the streets if this kind of behavior is not squelched!
Not only a disgrace to our General and the sculpteror, but a NATIONAL DISGRACE!! SOMEONE NEEDS PRISON TIME!!
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