I was speaking at an SCV camp in another state recently, and a man approached me after my presentation, extended his hand and said, "I want to shake your hand." I took his hand, shook it, and he proceeded to tell me that he is a new SCV member and drives for a trucking company.
He said that for several years, he and his fellow drivers had watched the flags go up in Virginia as they traveled up and down 95, and that the flags were often the subject of discussion back at the terminal as they all love to see them on their routes.
He said he had often remarked that one day he sure would like to shake the hand of the guy who was putting all flags those up. Then he thanked me, smiled and said. "I can't wait to go back and tell the guys that I actually shook the hand of the guy responsible for the flags... and it was a GIRL."
Susan Hathaway
The Virginia Flaggers
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Va Flaggers: I-95 Wade Hampton Flag Raised in Prince George County
Saturday morning, we woke to temperatures in the low 20's, and as I added layers and gathered cold weather gear, I considered that the frigid temperatures would likely mean a small, but dedicated crowd at the flag raising in Prince George later that morning. The forecast called for cloudy skies and high winds, but by the time we arrived at the site, the sun made an appearance and when the service began at 11:00 a.m., and to our amazement, over 150 folks had gathered to be a part of the dedication ceremony.
The Edmund Ruffin Fire-Eaters Camp #3000 Color Guard opened the ceremony, accompanied by Pipe Major David Hinton. Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry Major Willie Wells shared information on the history of the Great Beef Steak Raid, and Wayne Jones of South Carolina spoke about General Wade Hampton.
Honks of approval from passing vehicles began even before the flag was raised. This trucker actually pulled his rig over right on the side of I-95 to take photos in the middle of the ceremony!
This project was a joint effort of the Virginia Flaggers and the Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry, and the lion's share of the site work was done by Willie Wells. To honor him for his hard work and dedication the honor of raising the flag was given to four generations of Wellses...Willie Earl Wells, Jr., Willie Earl Wells III, Wade Hampton Wells, and Kamdin Wayne Wells, all helped hoist her high, while Pipe Major David Hinton played "The Bonnie Blue Flag". The brisk wind meant that she immediately flew at full sail, to the cheers and delight of all who had gathered.
After the flag was raised, the Captain William Latane Camp #1690 Color Guard fired a rifle salute, followed by a cannon salute, benediction and a rousing rendition of "Dixie's Land" by all in attendance.
The I-95 Wade Hampton Memorial Battle flag was dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory and honor of General Wade Hampton and the Confederate soldiers who fought and died in defense of the Commonwealth. She will also fly as a 24/7 reminder that there are still many of us with Confederate blood flowing through our veins who are no longer willing to sit quietly by while our history and heritage, and the honor of our ancestors is attacked.
The visibility of this location is stunning, and we were able to get several good photos from I-95, and with the help of Judy Smith Photography, Jeff Seymour, and our friends at Tredegar DroneWorks.
The Virginia Flaggers and the Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry wish to thank each and every person whose generosity made this project and this glorious day possible, including James Bibb and the folks at "Just Go Detecting", who raffled off a hand made ANV battle flag, the proceeds of which paid for the custom 20' x 20' battle flag that was raised. We were pleased that they could attend the ceremony so that we could thank them in person...
Thank you all for your continued support. This was the 18th roadside memorial flag raised in the Commonwealth, and the third on I-95 since the fall of 2013, and we are every day in awe of the way God is moving and working among His people, to further His kingdom and our Cause.
Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers

Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150
Saturday morning, we woke to temperatures in the low 20's, and as I added layers and gathered cold weather gear, I considered that the frigid temperatures would likely mean a small, but dedicated crowd at the flag raising in Prince George later that morning. The forecast called for cloudy skies and high winds, but by the time we arrived at the site, the sun made an appearance and when the service began at 11:00 a.m., and to our amazement, over 150 folks had gathered to be a part of the dedication ceremony.
The Edmund Ruffin Fire-Eaters Camp #3000 Color Guard opened the ceremony, accompanied by Pipe Major David Hinton. Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry Major Willie Wells shared information on the history of the Great Beef Steak Raid, and Wayne Jones of South Carolina spoke about General Wade Hampton.
Honks of approval from passing vehicles began even before the flag was raised. This trucker actually pulled his rig over right on the side of I-95 to take photos in the middle of the ceremony!
This project was a joint effort of the Virginia Flaggers and the Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry, and the lion's share of the site work was done by Willie Wells. To honor him for his hard work and dedication the honor of raising the flag was given to four generations of Wellses...Willie Earl Wells, Jr., Willie Earl Wells III, Wade Hampton Wells, and Kamdin Wayne Wells, all helped hoist her high, while Pipe Major David Hinton played "The Bonnie Blue Flag". The brisk wind meant that she immediately flew at full sail, to the cheers and delight of all who had gathered.
After the flag was raised, the Captain William Latane Camp #1690 Color Guard fired a rifle salute, followed by a cannon salute, benediction and a rousing rendition of "Dixie's Land" by all in attendance.
The I-95 Wade Hampton Memorial Battle flag was dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory and honor of General Wade Hampton and the Confederate soldiers who fought and died in defense of the Commonwealth. She will also fly as a 24/7 reminder that there are still many of us with Confederate blood flowing through our veins who are no longer willing to sit quietly by while our history and heritage, and the honor of our ancestors is attacked.
The visibility of this location is stunning, and we were able to get several good photos from I-95, and with the help of Judy Smith Photography, Jeff Seymour, and our friends at Tredegar DroneWorks.
View from I-95 Northbound Lane
Aerial view courtesy of Tredegar DroneWorks
The Virginia Flaggers and the Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry wish to thank each and every person whose generosity made this project and this glorious day possible, including James Bibb and the folks at "Just Go Detecting", who raffled off a hand made ANV battle flag, the proceeds of which paid for the custom 20' x 20' battle flag that was raised. We were pleased that they could attend the ceremony so that we could thank them in person...
Thank you all for your continued support. This was the 18th roadside memorial flag raised in the Commonwealth, and the third on I-95 since the fall of 2013, and we are every day in awe of the way God is moving and working among His people, to further His kingdom and our Cause.
Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Va Flaggers: Week's End February 6, 201
*Great Letter to the Editor by our own H. V. (Bo)
Traywick, Jr. in the Times-Dispatch this morning...
Southern states didn't rise in rebellion
Editor, Times-Dispatch:
Southern states didn't rise in rebellion
Editor, Times-Dispatch:
A Correspondent of the Day accused Dr. Walter Williams of
mythmaking concerning black Confederates. I would like to point out some myths
in this correspondent's letter. The Southern states did not "rise in
rebellion against the United States" in order to expand slavery. Quite to the
contrary, in their attempts to peacefully secede from the union of states by the
same method all states had originally acceded to it "through their respective
sovereign conventions" the Southern states willfully gave up any opportunity
of expanding slavery into the territories. In the process, they effectively
removed slavery from the United States altogether. One would think the
abolitionist North would have happily said "goodbye and good riddance" to
them, but it did not. Why not?
With the Southern states out of the union, the North would lose its major source of cotton for its mills, its major source of markets for its manufactures, its major source of income from the tariff, and its control of the mouth of the Mississippi River. The Northern economy would collapse. So President Lincoln drove the Southern states back into the union at the point of the bayonet. The South was simply defending itself from invasion, conquest and coerced political allegiance -- just as the 13 slave holding Colonies had done when they seceded from the British Empire in 1776.
No one can argue that slavery is not a coercive labor system, but many faithful slaves (some bearing arms) accompanied their masters to war, rescued them from their wounds, and got them safely back home.
H. V. Traywick Jr.
Photo: 1918 Tulsa, Oklahoma UCV Reunion Parade with an unidentified African American Confederate veteran. He has "Rome, GA" blazoned on his chest, and is holding what appear to be two chickens. Confederate Veterans Encampment Photographs, 2015.056.16
*This from Lexington, earlier this week:
During a hearing to determine whether or not a store owner would be allowed to fly a U.S. Flag in front of his shop, the following comments were recorded...
"To this, (Planning Commissioner) Wolfe said she liked the idea of flying the American Flag, as a kind of counterweight to "ALL THE CONFEDERATE FLAGS" flying in the area..."
*And this...a cool photo of the RE Lee monument, captured by a Va Flagger Monument Guard volunteer on Wednesday evening...
Entering our 8th month of Monument Patrols, volunteers have logged hundreds of hours protecting our monuments, and we are always in need of a few good men (or women!) to help with this very important endeavor. If you are interested in learning more about how you can assist, please contact our Monument Guards coordinator at vamonumentguard@gmail.com.
The Virginia Flaggers
With the Southern states out of the union, the North would lose its major source of cotton for its mills, its major source of markets for its manufactures, its major source of income from the tariff, and its control of the mouth of the Mississippi River. The Northern economy would collapse. So President Lincoln drove the Southern states back into the union at the point of the bayonet. The South was simply defending itself from invasion, conquest and coerced political allegiance -- just as the 13 slave holding Colonies had done when they seceded from the British Empire in 1776.
No one can argue that slavery is not a coercive labor system, but many faithful slaves (some bearing arms) accompanied their masters to war, rescued them from their wounds, and got them safely back home.
H. V. Traywick Jr.
Photo: 1918 Tulsa, Oklahoma UCV Reunion Parade with an unidentified African American Confederate veteran. He has "Rome, GA" blazoned on his chest, and is holding what appear to be two chickens. Confederate Veterans Encampment Photographs, 2015.056.16
*This from Lexington, earlier this week:
During a hearing to determine whether or not a store owner would be allowed to fly a U.S. Flag in front of his shop, the following comments were recorded...
"To this, (Planning Commissioner) Wolfe said she liked the idea of flying the American Flag, as a kind of counterweight to "ALL THE CONFEDERATE FLAGS" flying in the area..."
*And this...a cool photo of the RE Lee monument, captured by a Va Flagger Monument Guard volunteer on Wednesday evening...
Entering our 8th month of Monument Patrols, volunteers have logged hundreds of hours protecting our monuments, and we are always in need of a few good men (or women!) to help with this very important endeavor. If you are interested in learning more about how you can assist, please contact our Monument Guards coordinator at vamonumentguard@gmail.com.
The Virginia Flaggers
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