Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Confederate flag for Savage's Station!

On June 29th, the anniversary of the battle of Savage's Station, a young man placed a single stick battle flag at the marker commemorating the event, and in honor and memory of his 8 Confederate ancestors who fought there to defend hearth and home from unwarranted invasion.

He was disheartened when the flag was removed just a few short days later. Over the course of the next few weeks, he replaced the flag several times, and each time, it was stolen. He then began placing flags on all five markers, and labeling them with a note listing the name of his ancestor, explaining that flag was left in his memory, and asking them not to be removed. Again, the flags were stolen.

After replacing them several times, over several weeks, the young man contacted the owner of the land, adjacent to the markers, and the very land on which the battle was fought, and acquired permission to erect a pole and Confederate flag on his property, just a few feet behind the markers.

A pole was quickly acquired by donation, and a flag was raised TODAY... a living breathing, 24/7/365 reminder to all who visit the battle field, of the honor and valor of the Confederate soldiers who fought and died there. Special 54 x 54 ANV flags are on order, and will be installed by the end of the week.

This young flagger says he got his inspiration when he saw the Confederate flag that was erected on private land just behind the Federal Monument at Point Lookout. We cannot express our pride and gratitude for his dedication and perseverance, and the fact that, instead of giving up, he found a way to turn his anger, and the misconduct of others, into a true victory for the Confederate soldier!

God bless this young Fire-Eater, and GOD SAVE THE SOUTH!

Susan Hathaway

Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

W&L Denies, then Admits Incident with 15 Year Old DID Take Place...

Almost as soon as the story broke of the 15 year old boy who was forced to remove his shirt, cap, and name badge because they contained images of the Confederate flag before being allowed to visit the LEE Chapel Saturday, several amateur historians/bloggers immediately called his story false, labeled it a "publicity stunt"  and used it to continue their campaign of slander and false attacks against the Va Flaggers and the SCV. 

At the same time, when asked for a statement by the press, W&L officials DENIED THE INCIDENT EVER TOOK PLACE, effectively joining the bloggers in their chorus of hate, and calling the boy a liar.

"Meanwhile, university officials initially denied the allegations being brought against it. Brian Eckert, the spokesperson for Washington and Lee, stated there is no indication the incident took place."

However, on Tuesday the University admitted that because of "safety" reasons they forced 4 people "not to carry or wear Confederate flags or emblems on the campus."

We never ONCE doubted the honesty or integrity of this young man! SHAME ON Washington & Lee for trying to cover up their misconduct, and for impugning the character of a 15 year old boy! HE told the truth.  THEY did not.  Is it any wonder such men have no regard for the honor and integrity of Robert E. Lee?


Please contact University officials and request the University end its discriminatory, random, undefined policy and apologize for its mistreatment of persons of Confederate ancestry.  Please, write, phone or e-mail:

University President
Kenneth P. Ruscio
(540) 458-8700
(540) 458-8945 (fax)

Senior Assistant to the President
Elizabeth Knapp
(540) 458-8867
(540) 458-8745 (fax)

Brian Eckert
Executive Director of Communications and Public Affairs

Julie S. Cline
Office Manager

Mailing Address:

Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450-2116

We MUST keep the skeer on...will you help?

Grayson Jennings
Virginia Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Marker Dedication Service for Samuel Dawson Bell

The Virginia Flaggers were thrilled to receive an invitation to attend the marker dedication service for Samuel Hawkins Bell, Hankins Co., Virginia Light Artillery, CSA, held yesterday, July 26th.  We headed out to Elwood Cemetery in Norfolk Saturday morning, on a very warm July day.

As far as the family knows, Bell's grave has been unmarked since his death.  Through the efforts of his family, and with the assistance of Kenny Harris and the Princess Anne Camp #484, SCV,  a Confederate marker was obtained and installed.

The ceremony was planned and carried out by the family and was a very moving and fitting tribute.

The Princess Anne Camp provided an honor guard and family members traveled from as far away as Arkansas to pay tribute to their ancestor.

I was honored to be asked to share a poem, and we all appreciated the opportunity to be present at such a wonderful ceremony.

Afterwards, we talked with family members and attendees.  At one point, we walked over to the new headstone to get a closer look and take a photo.  As we were standing there, talking about the ceremony and learning more about the family, a man who was walking down the public sidewalk, which was only a few feet away, left the sidewalk and started walking toward us and the marker, at a brisk pace and with a very serious expression.  When he reached us, I greeted him and he immediately inquired "What soldier are we honoring today?"  Admittedly a bit surprised, I pointed to the marker and explained that Samuel Dawson Bell was a Confederate soldier and that his family had gathered here to honor him.

He immediately turned toward the marker and proceeded to salute and stand at attention, for what seemed like at least 60 seconds.  We all stood quietly, in awe and appreciation of this remarkable expression of respect and honor, one soldier to another.  It turns out the gentleman was a U.S. Marine Corp Veteran.

When he broke from attention, he reached out and shook hands with each of us and we thanked him for stopping to pay respects.  He seemed a bit agitated and we understood why when he pointed to a battle flag that was leaning against a vehicle, in preparation for packing it up to leave, which had slipped from its position, unnoticed, allowing the tip of the flag to touch the ground.  "Please have someone get that flag off of the ground, ma'am.  A soldier's flag must NEVER touch the ground."

As he walked away, we thanked him again, and were left standing there in amazement and in awe of what we had just witnessed.  All present were deeply touched by the scene that had unfolded, and it was the perfect ending to an absolutely wonderful event.

We would like to thank the Bell family, especially Anna Bell and Chris Xantos for the kind invitation and warm welcome, and the men of the Princes Anne Camp who helped make the marker and ceremony possible.

God bless the memory of Samuel Dawson Bell...and God save the South!

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Washington & Lee/Lee Chapel Flags Rally Report

The Va Flaggers were honored to forward the colors in three different parts of the Commonwealth yesterday, with representatives in Norfolk, Richmond, and Lexington.  After sharing a few pics and brief mentions, we are going to let one of the 15 year old attendees share his reflections of the day in Lexington, through his young eyes, and from a report he submitted yesterday evening.

The Virginia Flaggers arrived at the LEE Chapel entrance to Washington & Lee University at 10:00 a.m., to find that our Tar Heel brothers had been first to have boots on the ground.  The men of the Old North State had a GREAT representation on the front lines, and joined us for most of the day...

We also arrived to find that W&L Security had barricaded off the entrance to the Chapel parking lot.  It was not long, however, before the Flaggers realized that traffic cones make GREAT flag stands!

Foot and auto traffic was heavy around the Chapel all day, and feedback was almost 100% positive and in support of our efforts to return the Confederate Battle Flags to the RE LEE Chapel.

There were many great conversations, and opportunities to educate the public.   As promised, here is one young man's Story...

"We started off the day flagging in front of Washington and Lee. We flagged for 20 minutes or so until a friend and I decided to go see VMI.

On the way to VMI , we got many honks, waves, and signs of support for the Battle Flags we were carrying. We got to VMI and walked all around the campus until we found the statue of "Stonewall" Jackson. We took a picture of me in front of Jackson with my Battle Flag.

We left VMI and went to the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery. There I got to visit the General and talk to a nice family from Pennsylvania. I told them about the history of the Battle Flag and Washington and Lee's decision to remove the flags from the Lee Chapel. They were very understanding and nice.

After I visited Stonewall we went to the SCV rally in Hopkins Green Park. There I had conversations with Wayne Jones and Rev Herman White.

We left the rally early to go back to flagging in front of Washington and Lee. Since it was my first time in Lexington I wanted to see the Lee Chapel and the grave of Lee's horse Traveller. As I began to head for the Lee Chapel, a Police Officer stopped me and said that I could not enter the campus property with my Battle Flag or any images of Confederate Flags on any of my possessions including my clothing. I really wanted to pay my respects to General Lee and Traveller so I had to turn my shirt inside-out, take off my hat, and take off my badge.

When I finally arrived to the Chapel there was a sign on the front door saying that the Lee Chapel was closed for the weekend. I took a picture of the Lee Chapel and then went to see Traveller. I was glad to see that I had access to the grave of Traveller.

I talked to 3 different couples while I was on the campus and they were all very supportive. I told each couple why I was there and why my shirt was inside-out.

When I got off of the campus and back on to the sidewalk I flagged for the rest of the day. At least 2 out of every 3 cars would wave, honk, or salute us. One man who was walking down the sidewalk gave me a "Confederate fist-bump" to show his support for the Flaggers.

We had two interesting conversations while we were on our way to the car. The first was with a family from the great state of Missouri. They were very supporting of our efforts and were against the removal of the flags that were in the Lee Chapel. The second was a man from the Richmond Times-Dispatch who asked why I was out there, my name, and if I was related to any Confederate soldiers. He took my picture with my Battle Flag and said that I should be in the paper tomorrow!

Fred talked to the owner of a local ice cream shop. At the end of there conversation the owner gave Fred free Ice Cream to show his support for our efforts.

Overall it was a VERY successful day for the Virginia Flaggers."

This young man, a 15 year old member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and proud descendant of several Confederate Ancestors, was told he could not enter the campus of Washington and LEE University without removing his "offensive" apparel, which consisted of:

- A Lee-Davis High School cap
- A Sons of Confederate Veterans Sesquicentennial Commemorative T-Shirt
- And a name badge on a lanyard which had Confederate Battle Flags printed on it

The implications of these restrictions are far reaching and mind-boggling.  Is the Confederate Battle Flag now prohibited in any form at the campus?  Are students prohibited from wearing a label pin, or t-shirt, or cap, if it has a Confederate Battle Flag on it?  Are students prohibited from possessing or displaying a Confederate flag?  Is a vehicle with a government issued SCV license plate prohibited access to the campus?

We find it the worst kind of intolerance and bigotry that the University administration has chosen to openly discriminate against those of Confederate Ancestry...on the campus of a school that owes its very existence to the Gen. Robert E Lee, and the Confederate Veterans who helped save the institution. 

The rally and gathering in Lexington this weekend was a good start, but it must be just that...a kick off for a campaign that may be long fought, and demand much of our time and resources.

Please take a moment to contact University officials AGAIN this week, and express your outrage at their decision to remove flags, CLOSE the RE LEE chapel for the weekend, and force visitors to remove any representations of their Confederate ancestry before stepping foot on University property.

Washington & Lee University Contact Information:

Mr. Kenneth Ruscio
Washington and Lee University
204 West Washington Street
Lexington,Virginia 24450
(540) 458-8700

Daniel Wubah
Washington and Lee University
Washington Hall 214
Lexington,Virginia 24450


Secretary of the University:
James D. Farrar, Jr.
Washington & Lee University
203 Washington Hall
Lexington,VA 24450

Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees:

Katherine Brinkley
Washington & Lee University
202 Washington Hall
Lexington,VA 24450

Thank you for your continued support.  Please look for more updates soon, with additional opportunities to join us in Lexington, and/or support our continuing efforts. 

Grayson Jennings

Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Report From the Front Lines: Washington & Lee University SCV Rally and Symposium

Va Flaggers Report from the Front Lines: Lexington, VA 
July 26, 2014, 2:00 p.m.

“This unscheduled closing is based on concerns for the safety of the facility and its staff on the day that the Sons of Confederate Veterans have scheduled a rally in Lexington." - Washington & LEE University

Just thought we would share a photo of the sign on the door of the Lee Chapel...along with one of the "very scary" rally participants that Washington and Lee claimed were a threat to the "safety of the facility and its staff."

SERIOUSLY, Washington & Lee?

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Va Flaggers

Friday, July 25, 2014

"Marse Robert is Asleep"

Many thanks to our good friend, Dan Boyette, of the Confederate States Armory Camp #2157, SCV for sharing this poignant post:

Marse Robert is Asleep

The thirtieth anniversary of Lee's surrender (April 9, 1865) finds the character of the vanquished General a model to which all may refer with approval.  "His modesty was his highest virtue,"said a learned critic.  Gen. Winfield Scott, commander of the United States armies, under whom Lee served in Mexico, said, "He was the best soldier I ever saw in the field."

When he surrendered the remnant of his army, which had been invincible so many years, Gen. Meade, in conversation with him, asked how many men he had at Petersburg, when his lines were broken, and Lee replied "Forty thousand." Meade said, "I am amazed, and could not believe it were it not you who said it." [Grant's strength was at least 110,000 men]

When terms of capitulation were agreed upon, and the officer who had gone to take an inventory of Lee's army, reported to Gen. Grant, stating that there were 8,000 men for duty, 120 cannon, etc., Grant refused to permit the firing of any salute of victory.  In every way he showed his appreciation of the heroism and long persistence of Gen. Lee.

In a tribute to his character, Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field, who was reared in the Berkshire Hills of New England, a born abolitionist, but who venerates the memory of his "Black Mammy" as do Southerners, visited Lexington, Va., and concludes a tribute as follows:

"As I took a last look at the recumbent statue, I observed that its base bore no epitaph; no words of praise were carved upon the stone. Only above it on the wall was the name "Robert Edward Lee," with the two dates, "Born January 19, 1807, Died October 12, 1870."

That is all, but it is enough, for any eulogy would but detract from the spell of that single name: "One of the few, the immortal names, That were not born to die."

("Marse Robert is Asleep," Confederate Veteran, April 1895, pg. 113)

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Thursday, July 24, 2014

W&L Update - LEE Chapel Closed for SCV Rally/Symposium

This just in, from the Lee Chapel Face Book Page:
We regret to announce that Lee Chapel and Museum will be closed from Friday, July 25 at 3:00 p.m. through Sunday July 27.. This unscheduled closing is based on concerns for the safety of the facility and its staff on the day that the Sons of Confederate Veterans have scheduled a rally in Lexington. We must take this unfortunate precaution because of the inflammatory and threatening letters, emails and phone calls the University has received in response to the removal of reproduction battle flags from the statue chamber in Lee Chapel and the decision to bring authentic battle flags to the Lee Chapel Museum. We apologize for this inconvenience.

This announcement is an obvious attempt on the part of Washington & Lee University to incite unwarranted anger and misplaced fear towards the honorable members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  We call on the administration to do the honorable thing!  If there is a viable, traceable threat, then have the guilty arrested... and show their face and name on all media outlets.  Without proof, this announcement is nothing more than slander and innuendo designed to defame the excellent character of the men of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. 

Even the wording in the statement rings of their attempts to cover their actions.  We know for a fact that NO ONE is complaining that they are bringing "authentic battle flags to the Lee Chapel Museum". We applaud this effort.  The only complaint is that they are using THAT action as a smoke screen and excuse to remove the replica flags from the chamber, when in fact, the desecration was done solely to appease the demands of six students who threatened "civil obedience".

This statement proves that we are making progress.  The administration is feeling the heat and pressure of thousands of Southerners who have said "ENOUGH"... "NO MORE"...and W&L is striking back in anger, and with underhanded tactics.  Our efforts are working...and bringing unwanted attention to their despicable actions.  They have realized that we will not sit idly by while university officials dishonor General Robert E. Lee.  We have gathered in Lexington on a half dozen occasions since the Save Our Flags Rally of September, 2011, and NOT ONCE has there been ANY report of violence, attacks, or even inappropriate conduct. 

Now, more than ever, we need to stand strong in the face of this unwarranted attack.   PLEASE continue the letter writing, emailing and phone calls, and help us keep a constant presence at the University.   We look forward to having a good turnout this Saturday, and for as long as necessary...until the flags are returned!

REMINDER:  The Va Flaggers have called for and observed a TOTAL boycott of Lexington, Va,  following the September 1, 2011 flag ban ordinance by Lexington City Council that prevents the flags of Lee and Jackson from flying on City flag stands during the Lee-Jackson holiday.  PLEASE make arrangements so that NOT ONE DIME is spent within the city limits.  When you come, pack in food, or eat outside the city limits.  Stop by the Visitor's Center, sign the guest book, and tell them WHY you won't put any money into Lexington's coffers.  

We have also been asked about what flags we suggest to bring.  While any Confederate flag is suitable, we would suggest carrying Army of Northern Battle Flags, if possible, during the protests in Lexington, as the flags removed from the chamber at the LEE Chapel were ANV Battle Flags. 

Rally/symposium info:

See you in Lexington...RALLY BEHIND THE VIRGINIANS! 

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

We have been very busy over the past few days, with the SCV National Reunion in Charleston, continuing efforts here in Richmond as regards the Confederate Memorial Chapel, and even though we have not posted an update recently, we have also been working steadily on the situation at Washington & Lee University.

Last week, we were onsite at Washington & Lee to scout for future flagging operations, and were able to spend a large part of the day at the school's entrance, flagging the administration,  and drawing much needed attention to the desecration of the Chapel.

Our Flaggers reported that response was OVERWHELMINGLY positive.  VERY FEW negative comments and LOTS of honks and support.

Students and residents stopped to show their support and offer words of encouragement...
We are in the process of defining the boundaries for future flagging activities, and developing guidelines for participants, and literature to distribute to students, faculty, residents, and tourists.  There is also a local resident who has been protesting, as well.  It is our hope that others will join soon him, and we will be able to coordinate weekly, even daily protests! 

Meanwhile, our sources inside the University tell us that the emails, phone calls, and mail received since our first call to action have overwhelmed the administration and staff.  A recent media report is very telling, and further proof that we are outperforming the opposition:

"The recent removal of the flags, as well as other parts of Washington and Lee President Ken Ruscio's July 8 message to the University Community, continues to resonate with alumni and the "concerned public", said Brian Eckert, Washington & LEE Director of Communications and Public Affairs.  "The reaction has been mixed and plentiful", he reported.  He said his office was still receiving calls, e-mails, and letters yesterday, Tuesday, a full two weeks after Ruscio's letter."

From the copies of letters, and reports received, we know that this is true.  The administration believes that if they just sit tight, this will all "blow over" and things will return to normal at the University.  We aim to make sure that does not happen until the flags are returned.  We will need your help!  PLEASE take this time this week to continue to contact the university, AGAIN! 

This week, we are asking you to email, call, or write a letter to the Site Director at the Chapel.  Please be polite, but be firm, and insist that the flags be returned to the Chapel chamber.

Contact information:

Ms. Lucy Wilkins
Lee Chapel & Museum
100 North Jefferson Street
Lexington, VA 24450

Phone:  (540) 458-8768

We have much more information to share, but wanted to get this brief update out right away.  Watch for more updates soon!  PLEASE continue to forward these emails to ANYONE who you feel might be interested in helping, especially anyone with connections to the University. 

We know that University officials did not expect the backlash that they have so far received. Ruscio and others continue to offer new talking points and cover stories for their actions, NONE of which changes the truth, which is that this action was nothing more than a complete and total capitulation to the demands of 6 students, seeking publicity and determined to dishonor General Lee and the men who served under him.  Their spin and attempts to explain away their actions have taken some interesting turns:   

"As a private university, we are not bound by the same legal and constitutional First Amendment constraints as public universities, Ruscio said.

Only those who are fearful of the expression of truth call the Bill of Rights "constraints", and view freedom as "binding".

"We have not yet begun to fight."  Our hope and fervent prayer is that you will take up the banner and join us.

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Heritage Alert: Texas SCV Plate Poll

Please vote "Honorable", and share...

"In 2011, the Texas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans applied for a specialty Confederate Flag theme license plate.  The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Board rejected the application for the specialty license plate, and the applicants in turn filed a lawsuit.  It lawsuit was dismissed in 2013.  Here in 2014, a federal appeals court has revived the lawsuit.

"The group insists the design is to honor the memory of Confederate soldiers and is a representation of southern heritage.  However, the board concludes many residents will take offense to its design."

Pro News 7

A three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled Monday the Texas board violated the group's First Amendment rights by rejecting the license plate request.

The case was sent back to an Austin federal court.


Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Monday, July 14, 2014

Alert: Heritage Victory In Texas!

Hurrah for Texas! Texans always move them!

Congratulations to the Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans!

Austin -- ”The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that the Texas branch of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has the right to have the state issue license plates adorned with the Confederate battle flag.

In April last year, U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks ruled against the group, declaring that the state was allowed to pick and choose which messages and symbols appear on state-issued plates.

At issue in the Circuit Court was whether the state Department of Motor Vehicles Board had engaged in viewpoint discrimination and violated the group's First Amendment right when it denied an application for a specialty plate.

The judges ruled that license plates are a form of private speech, and thus protected by the First Amendment. The court also ruled that the Board's rejection of the plate favored one speaker over another.

Supporters of the plate argued that the flag honored Confederate soldiers and Southern heritage, while those opposed said the flag symbolized a racially-charged message and that distributing such a plate would be tantamount to the state memorializing slavery.

Texas could choose to appeal for a rehearing by the 5th Circuit judges or to the Supreme Court.

Virginia Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Sunday, July 13, 2014

W&L - Lee Chapel Desecration Update/Call To Action #4, 7-12-2014

Washington & Lee, Lee Chapel photo, POST-DESECRATION. Obtained July 12, 2014...

We find it completely unacceptable that the flags that have flown in honor and sacred memory of Robert E. Lee since 1930 were stripped from this chamber, for NO OTHER REASON than to cater to the extortion-like "demands" of a half dozen students.

Once again, we want to thank each and every one of you who have made phone calls, sent emails, and mailed letters since we first forwarded the contact information last week.  We understand from our sources that phones were tied up and emails were filled with messages voicing disgust and outrage with the actions of officials at Washington & LEE University.

Starting tomorrow morning, we are going to ask you to switch gears and contact these folks:

Alumni Affairs Staff

Waller (Beau) T. Dudley
Executive Director of Alumni Affairs

Thomas D. Lovell
Associate Director of Alumni Affairs

Mary Webster
Assistant Director for Engagement

Washington and Lee University
Office of Alumni Affairs
Lexington, Virginia 24450
(540) 458-8468

Please contact these folks and let them know that the removal of the flags from the chamber of the Lee Chapel was unacceptable and must be corrected immediately.  These contacts are particularly important to share with anyone who is an alumnus or has alumni contacts.  We must let them know we will stand united and end ALL support until the flags are returned.

If, for some reason, you have yet to contact the President and staff, we have included the original contact request information at the bottom of this email.

Many of you have asked repeatedly about when we are going to "March on Washington & Lee" and start flagging them. Most people see this outward expression of what we do, and may not realize that it is a powerful tool, but one that is typically held in our arsenal and used when all other efforts are exhausted. We contacted the W&L administration in April, when news of "The Committee's" demands first surfaced, and have been collecting information and investigating the situation ever since.

Of course, the actual removal last week has kicked our efforts into overdrive. We have contacted W&L officials again, and our next communication will let them know that if the flags are not returned by our deadline, flaggings will begin. In the meantime, we are making trips to Lexington to scout the area, investigate all pertinent laws and regulations, and preparing literature and talking points so that our Flaggers, and those who join us, have everything needed to be successful. We never step onto the sidewalk until we have covered all of our bases and have all needed resources lined up and available. Everything from parking, to bathroom accessibility is covered.

While we expect to begin scheduling flaggings within the next few weeks, IF the flags are not returned, our main push will come in September, once students are back on campus.  We realize full well that the announcement of the flag removal in July, while students were on summer break, was very much by design. We have been contacted by and are in communication with students who are ready to join us in these protests, and whose presence will be a huge boost to our efforts.  Student move-in dates, Parents' weekends, home football games, and other high profile events will be the targets of our activity.  We are organizing now and are looking for anyone who is willing to join us, especially those in the Lexington area,  to contact us for more details. 


University officials are deleting any and all comments about the flags from their FaceBook page, but you can leave a "rating" here:

And it appears that comments are allowed and posted on their blog site:

Please sign and share this petition:

Stay tuned for more updates and information, as we have much more to share... and please continue to forward these emails to everyone on your contact list.  We must keep the skeer on through phone calls, emails, and letters...and have flags ready for the's coming soon!

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Follow us:

Original contact request information:

Mr. Kenneth Ruscio
Washington and Lee University
204 West Washington Street
Lexington,Virginia 24450
(540) 458-8700

Daniel Wubah
Washington and Lee University
Washington Hall 214
Lexington,Virginia 24450


Secretary of the University:
James D. Farrar, Jr.
Washington & Lee University
203 Washington Hall
Lexington,VA 24450

Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees:
Katherine Brinkley
Washington & Lee University
202 Washington Hall
Lexington,VA 24450

Saturday, July 12, 2014

W&L Lee Chapel Desecration Update 7-12-2014

Many thanks to the hundreds of you who have called, written, or emailed officials at Washington & Lee regarding the removal of the Battle Flags from the Lee Chapel.  We have received copies of many excellent letters, and have had reports of very interesting conversations held with, and responses received from school officials.

It seems that the staff is doing their very best to draw attention away from the fact that this decision was a surrender to the extortion-like threats of the member of "The Committee", who promised "civil disobedience" if the flags were not removed by September 1st.  Their spin and propaganda is hard to swallow, especially in light of some new information that the Va Flaggers have discovered. 

The members of "The Committee" posed for this photo for the press back in April, shortly after their letter of "demands" was sent to University officials...

Other than the letter itself (attached) we heard very little from the students, until the announcement Tuesday by W&L President Ruscio that the school had caved to the demands and stripped the flags from the memorial.

Since then, the leader of the Committee, Brandon Hicks, spoke openly to the press, telling CNN:

"It's about creating a climate on campus that everyone feels welcome," Hicks told CNN on why he sought the changes. He said some students felt uncomfortable with the flags at Lee Chapel.  "These are huge steps. We are ecstatic," Hicks said of Ruscio's announcement.

"Huge steps"?  As in just the beginning...?  What will these students demand next?  Now that they have won an easy victory, there is little doubt that they will stop their campaign of hate and discrimination, and will not be satisfied until every mention of Robert E. Lee and the Confederacy is removed from the school which he personally saved from extinction and which owes much to the Confederate veterans who helped build it into the University we know today.

"Students don't have to sit in the same room as the flags anymore. I feel like we made a tremendous difference." Brandon Hicks

Now, I have had the pleasure and honor of worshiping in the LEE Chapel on several occasions, and I can testify that this statement not true.  First of all, the flags were in a chamber, behind the pulpit, at the rear of the Chapel.  There is no seating in that room.  The photo below depicts the view from the seating in the Chapel, itself.  Clearly, students NEVER sat "in the same room as the flags", although I would argue that they SHOULD be made to sit there, and taught the TRUTH of what the flags stand for.  Nevertheless,  this is further proof of the distortion of truth  these students are using, in their efforts to eliminate our heritage. 

Once he spoke to the press and posed for the photo, we were able to find out much more about Mr. Hicks.  Mr. Hicks, it turns out, is quite the activist, having been a speaker at "Race for the Ballot," a forum against a proposed family marriage act in NC.  Reports Pam's House Blend, "One of the kickoff sites is North Carolina Central University's Student Union and Law School, which hosted a forum moderated by student leader of NCCU's LGBT group COLORS, Brandon Hicks..."

More here:

We can only hope that this new information will serve to motivate alumni, students, and citizens to realize that this effort was nothing more than the manipulative work of "professional activists", attempting to force their views and intolerance on the rest of the University, AND the rest of us.  The Chapel in which Lee's remains are interred may be deeded to the University, but it BELONGS to all of us who love General Lee, the South, and freedom.

PLEASE continue to share our updates, and continue to make phone calls, write letters, and send emails.  We will have some new contact information tomorrow, so that we will start a new round of "mortar fire" on Monday morning.

Please stay tuned, and please STAY MAD!  We need EVERYONE to get involved and help turn this around!

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Friday, July 11, 2014

VMFA Update 7/11/2014

The last few months have been very busy for the Va Flaggers, as it has for many of you.  We have several updates coming over the next few days, which will cover a variety of topics. 

While temperatures have soared over 100 degrees in the Capital of the Confederacy, and our Flaggers have often pulled double duty in fulfilling obligations in other heritage organizations, the Virginia Flaggers have remained vigilant in our stand against the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and their forced removal of Confederate flags from the portico of the Confederate Memorial Chapel. 

Twice a week, EVERY week, our Flaggers gather to forward the colors, and educate museum visitors, residents, and tourists about the honor of our Confederate ancestors and the flags they fought and died under. 

These folks were visiting from out of town, and once we explained why we were out on the sidewalk with flags, they offered their full support, and posed for a photo.

Despite the hot and humid weather over the last month, we have had MANY such great conversations, and opportunities to educate, while at the same time, maintaining a constant, visual display of Confederate flags.  Before the Confederate Battle flags were forcibly removed from the portico of the Confederate Memorial Chapel by the VMFA, 2 3x5 flags flew for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. Thanks to the VMFA, dozens of flags now fly in RVA...and more folks than ever are hearing about the honor and sacrifice of the Confederate Veterans who lived on the grounds of the Old Soldiers Home.

We are visited occasionally by a lone agitator, who has taken to stalking our Flaggers, following them closely on his tricycle, and blasting filthy music with lyrics that include vile profanity, racial slurs, and graphic sexual references.

We greatly appreciate that he carries a sign which reads "NOT MY FLAG", as we would not one anyone to associate his antics with our honored banner.  ;)

While he has been unable to get any reaction from our Flaggers, we are hearing from more and more upset museum visitors, tourists, and residents, who are disturbed by his rude, uncivil behavior. 

The gentleman pictured below, and his wife, witnessed the agitator's antics, and pulled over and offered to help hold the line if any of our Flaggers needed a break from the filth. He also left a gift to help fund our efforts, and in appreciation for what the Flaggers are doing.

God bless this couple, and all those who support our Flaggers in their noble efforts...and God bless the agitator, for HELPING us by bringing even more attention to the desecration of the Confederate Memorial Chapel and dishonoring of Veterans by the VMFA Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

TriPp Lewis

Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Follow us:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Va Flaggers W&L Update/Call To Action 7-10-14

W&L Lee Chapel flag removal update:

We have received copies of dozens of emails, and had reports of hundreds of phone calls that were made today.  We cannot emphasize enough how much each phone call and email helps to keep the pressure on as we continue to work on this issue from several angles, and develop detailed plans for protests and further action.

Some of you were kind enough of to share the canned reply that you received.  It seems that the administration believes that they can explain away the flag removal, and that folks will take them at their word and give up the fight. 

One of the main issues that President Ruscio and others use as a defense for the removal is the agreement between the UDC, The Museum formerly known as the Museum of the Confederacy, and the University. We have been able to secure a copy of this agreement, and while it does call for the removal of the original battle flags for restoration, and for the flags to be properly displayed in glass cases in the museum in the basement of the Chapel, it in NO WAY dictates that the reproduction flags, provided by the SCV as a replacement for the originals, must be removed from the Chapel.

The referenced agreement was made in 1997, and yet they expect us to believe that it just so happens that they decided to take the reproduction flags out of the Chapel in July of 2014, as part of a new agreement with the Museum formerly known as the Museum of the Confederacy, not to appease "The Committee".  Do not be fooled by this smokescreen.
Please stay tuned for more updates and more contact information, as we need to "keep the skeer on" through the coming days and weeks, and please continue to share these updates and calls to action with as many others as possible.

FYI:  W&L has a FaceBook page.  They do not allow photos or posts from others, but you can comment on their photos and posts, here...

We wanted to leave you with one of the MANY fine communications on which we were copied on today, this one from Mr. Bill Dennison, of Bristol, Virginia.  God bless Mr. Dennison, and God bless each and every one of you who has stepped up to join us in this battle.

Grayson Jennings

Va Flaggers
P.O. Box 547 Sandston VA 23150 

Mr. Kenneth Ruscio, President
Washington and Lee University

Mr. Daniel Wubah, Provost
Washington and Lee University

Mr. James D. Farrar, Jr., Secretary of the University
Washington & Lee University

Ms. Katherine Brinkley, Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees
Washington & Lee University

Re: Restriction and Removal of Southern Confederacy Related Items, Action and Speech

Dear Sirs and Madam:

The purpose of this letter is to express my concern regarding action(s) announced by President Ruscio relative to the Army of Northern Virginia regimental flag replicas surrounding the Edward Valentine sculpture, "The Recumbent Lee", the Lee-Jackson Day parade entering onto the Washington & Lee campus and the censorship of presentations made by private groups in Lee Chapel.

Straying a bit from the heart of the matter at hand, I would point out two things that I would have thought would have been obvious. First, because of the location in Lexington of Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson's home, his burial place and the presence of the Virginia Military Institute where Jackson taught and which produced many renowned Confederate leaders, coupled with the fact that the final resting place of Gen. Robert E. Lee is on the campus of Washington and Lee University that many credit Lee with saving from extinction because of his efforts there, people throughout the South, the nation and the world hold the City of Lexington as an almost iconic place and travel great distances to visit.

With that thought in mind, I would submit that while the physical location of the flags and the others symbols of the Confederacy may be situate on the Washington & Lee campus, in a larger sense they belong to the people of this country, particularly those of us who happen to be Southern and especially we Virginians.

I know that "The Committee" claims that the flags symbolize slavery and because of that they find them "offensive". I would submit to you that a thorough review of Confederate history will demonstrate conclusively that the issues were, and are, far more complex than that simplistic viewpoint and that these people are "offended" primarily because they choose to be. In fact, one of them, at least, was in his third year of law school before the "offense" became intolerable. Contrary to current "progressive" thought, no one has an unalienable right not to be offended. To paraphrase a comment from another who opined on the matter, for a student holding sentiments such as those of "The Committee" to apply to and attend a university named Washington and Lee is akin to someone enlisting in the Navy when they know they are prone to seasickness.

I included this observation in an earlier letter, but I think it bears repeating. The targeted flags are regimental battle flags representing some of the regiments that Lee commanded in the Army of Northern Virginia. They are soldiers' flags, not, as many would have you believe, symbolic of anything other than the brotherhood of valor that comprised that gallant body of men, Lee's "boys". Those flags are there representing the devotion and respect of those veterans for their old commander, "Marse Robert". 

President Ruscio's statement that, "The purpose of historic flags in a university setting is to educate. They are not to be displayed for decoration, which would diminish their significance, or for glorification, or to make a statement about past conflicts . The reproductions are not genuinely historic, nor are they displayed with any information or background about what they are. The absence of such explanation allows those who either 'oppose' or 'support' them to assert their own subjective and frequently incorrect interpretations." is disingenuous at best and a bald-faced distortion of the true history of how the flags came to be there in the first place, and why. They were not placed there to be "in a university setting" at all. They were placed there to honor the man who led those regiments and the fact that the current flags are reproductions and have no information or background regarding them is moot . . . neither did the originals and the reason there are reproductions there at all is because the originals were deteriorating. The entire statement is pure spin, and amateurishly done at that.

Finally we get to the "marching" and the addresses in the Chapel. The only "marching" that transpires is a single event on a single day out of an entire calendar year and is by people who gather in Lexington for the Lee-Jackson Day parade and memorial service in Lee Chapel. This is done solely to honor the memory and service of two great Virginians, not to espouse or advance any agenda. Whether "The Committee" likes it or not, Lee Chapel is an icon, a beacon that draws people from all walks of life and from all parts of the country for this one hour service, once a year. To deny them this privilege for the sake of the demands of .4 of 1% of the total enrollment of the institution is outrageous.

The final restriction on what may or may not be said during lectures or presentations in Lee Chapel is pure, unadulterated censorship, completely out-of-place in a venue where freedom of thought and expression should be encouraged and defended.

This entire exercise in nothing but a thinly veiled effort by the university administration to kowtow to the racially charged demands of a vocal minority and relegate salient portions of the true history of the university to the dustbin of history. It is unfair, unwarranted, based largely on fallacy and is, above all, cowardly.

Very truly yours,
W. A. Dennison, Jr.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

W&L Will Remove Flags from Lee Chapel

Washington & Lee University President Kenneth P. Ruscio announced today that the University will ignore the will of countless alumni, students, and citizens, and bow to the demands of 6 agitators, and desecrate the Lee Chapel by removing the Confederate Battle Flags from the mausoleum of Gen. Robert E. Lee.

"Washington and Lee University will remove Confederate flags from its Lee Chapel after a group of black students led protests arguing that the Virginia school was unwelcoming to minorities."

Saturday, July 5, 2014

I-95 Memorial Battle Flag Projects Update

We have been busy preparing both the Chester and Fredericksburg sites for lighting! The Chester flag illumination is almost complete, and Fredericksburg will follow shortly thereafter.

We are thankful for the generous gifts that have allowed us to purchase the necessary supplies, and for the many, many volunteers who have donated the needed labor to get the work done, including a supporter who has recently volunteered his services as an electrician! THANK YOU ALL!

We are still looking for some help with tree trimming in Chester, and appreciate any and all gifts which will help us finish up at these two sites and get started on the next project. We are excited at the prospect of these flags being illuminated, which will greatly increase their visibility and influence.

We want to again offer our sincere appreciation to each and every one of you who have supported our efforts thus far. These projects, and all of our heritage defense initiatives, have been made possible by hundreds of you, and we are touched by each gift and note of support.

Gifts* to the I-95 Memorial Battle Flag projects may be mailed to:

Va Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150
Payable to Va Flaggers
or through PayPal:

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers

*Although we are NOT a registered 501c3 entity, we are absolutely a "not for profit" organization, and every gift goes directly toward expenses for our Interstate Battle Flag and Heritage Defense projects. There are no salaries or benefits paid to any member(s) of our organization, most of whom work full-time jobs, and give freely of their time, talents, and resources to further the Cause for which we stand.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Francis Key Howard - "The despot's heel is on thy shore, Maryland!"

During the War Between the States, Francis Key Howard, grandson of Francis Scott Key, was the editor of the Baltimore Exchange.  He, along with many others, were arrested for writing and speaking out against Lincoln.  He was imprisoned at Fort McHenry, and wrote these words:  

'When I looked out in the morning, I could not help being struck by an odd and not pleasant coincidence. On that day, forty-seven years before, my grandfather, Mr. F. S. Key, the prisoner on a British ship, had witnessed the bombardment of Ft. McHenry. When on the following morning the hospital fleet drew off, defeated, he wrote the song so long popular throughout the country, the Star Spangled Banner. As I stood upon the very scene of that conflict, I could not but contrast my position with his, forty-seven years before. The flag which he had then so proudly hailed, I saw waving at the same place over the victims of as vulgar and brutal a despotism as modern times have witnessed."

When he was finally released on November 27, 1862 he wrote:

"We came out of prison just as we had gone in, holding the same just scorn and detestation [for] the despotism under which the country was prostrate, and with a stronger resolution that ever to oppose it by every means to which, as American freemen, we had the right to resort."