Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wirz Memorial, SCV Camp Meetings, Veterans' Day

On November 1st, I had the privilege of attending the annual Capt. Henry Wirz Memorial Service in Andersonville, GA. This year marked the 150th Anniversary of the unconstitutional Military Tribunal, farce trial, and hanging of Capt. Henry Wirz based on perjury and lies. Americus Sumter County Georgia SCV Camp 78 has held an annual memorial service for Capt. Wirz each year beginning in 1974.

It was an honor to meet Col. Heinrich Wirz (retired-Swiss Army), great nephew of Capt. Henry Wirz who came from Switzerland to attend. Col. Wirz has worked tirelessly to clear the name of his ancestor and vows to continue the fight until he is vindicated.

Many thanks to Commander James King and Wirz Committee Chairman James Gaston of the SCV Camp 141, Albany, GA for their gracious hospitality and warm welcome!

On the following Tuesday evening, I would travel to Campbell County to speak to the Campbell County Guards, Camp #2117. The turnout was fantastic, and I was thrilled to learn that the camp has DOUBLED their membership since January of this year, and had the pleasure of seeing four new members sworn in that night!

The Campbell Guards are in the process of raising money to place a Confederate monument to the Confederate soldiers who served from Campbell County. I learned that Campbell County is one of only two counties in Virginia that do not have a Confederate monument. The Campbell Guards plan to correct that by erecting a monument on private land next year...complete with Confederate flag! :)

This past Sunday, I headed South to Whiteville, NC, to speak at the November meeting of the Columbus County Volunteers Camp #794. It was a great meeting, with an enthusiastic crowd, terrific hospitality, and the chance to meet and make many new friends.

The Whiteville camp has some exciting plans in the work, and I hope to return in the very near future to attend a very special dedication ceremony!

Yesterday, back in Richmond, members of the Edmund Ruffin Fire-Eaters Camp #3000, the Captain William Latane #1690, and the R. E. Lee #1589 Camps, SCV participated in the annual Veterans' Day Service at the Virginia War Memorial, placing wreaths in memory and honor of Virginia's Confederate Veterans.

At the Whiteville Camp, during Q&A after my presentation, one gentleman posed the following question..."Of all the great moments that the Va Flaggers have experienced, what is your PERSONAL FAVORITE... a moment when you just knew liberal heads were exploding...?" As of today, I have a new answer to that question...THIS PHOTO...

Yesterday at the annual Veterans Day service at the Virginia War Memorial, wreaths were laid by local Sons of Confederate Veterans Camps in memory of Virginia's Confederate Veterans. In this photo, a Veteran of color, is seen helping another Veteran of color place one of the wreaths, while our Confederate Battle Flag-hating Governor stands just a few feet away.

A friend described it best..."fighting men respect other fighting men....period".

Yesterday's service, and this photo, are striking reminders of the fact that when left alone and not influenced by the ignorance and hate of meddlesome Yankees, self-loathing scalawags, and pot-stirring carpetbaggers, we, the people of the South, have no trouble showing respect for one another, and honoring our shared history and heritage.

God bless ALL of our Veterans...and God Save the South!

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers

1 comment:

  1. There's also a black North Carolinian, Mr. Edgerton, who regularly stands for Confederate history and culture. He's a most excellent Southern gentleman, and he rips naysayer opinion to shreds, just by his very existence.

    If I were to say anything to Mr. Wirz, it would be "Deo vindice."


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