Monday, November 23, 2015


Before heading out to raise and dedicate four new memorial flags in Danville yesterday, Va Flaggers and supporters re-dedicated the Robertson Bridge/Memorial Drive site by replacing the Third National that was stolen a few weeks ago.

The flag was only down for a few hours on the day it was stolen, since a Confederate Battle Flag was raised the same day, and the crowd gathered Saturday was thrilled to see the massive Third National return to town, to replace the tiny 3x5 that was stripped from its rightful place on the Confederate Veterans monument on the grounds of the Last Capitol of the Confederacy by Danville City Council just a few short months ago.

Our enemies who resort to vandalism and theft will soon learn that we have plenty of flags...and plenty of people ready to raise them right back up.

We will win this...because we love the flag more than they hate it.

After a ceremony at the Robertson Bridge site, complete with Confederate Color Guard, greetings from local Heritage Organizations, and a keynote address by Rev. Dr. Herman White of High Point, NC, the crowd that had assembled headed out to the first of FOUR sites where new flags would be raised.

The first stop was Stokesland Cemetery, where we raised a Battle Flag in the cemetery that is the final resting place of several Confederate Veterans.

The Pittsylvania Vindicators, Camp #828 SCV, has been caring for the cemetery for several years, and Camp Commander Frank Harvey told the crowd of plans to add paving, a cannon, and a marker which will list the names of all of the Confederate dead.

This flag is highly visible from West Main Street. The Stokesland Cemetery Roadside Memorial Battle Flag is #6 for Danville, and #14 for the Va Flaggers in the Commonwealth.

From the cemetery, we headed to the Va/NC border for the raising of the next flag, which is located on the Westbound Side of the Danville Expressway.

The Holland Road/Danville Expressway Memorial Roadside Battle Flag is #7 for Danville, and #15 for the Va Flaggers in the Commonwealth.

From Holland Road, we headed out 58 East, to a site ON 58, just east of Danville. At this location, we raised a 10x15 Battle Flag on a 55' Pole...

The honks, waves, and thumbs ups began almost as soon as we raised her, and continued as we dedicated her to the Glory of God and the memory and honor of the Confederate soldiers who defended the Commonwealth from invasion.

The Hwy 58/Ringgold Memorial Roadside Battle Flag is #8 for Danville, and #16 for the Va Flaggers in the Commonwealth.

Heading back into town, our fourth and final flag raising of the day took place just off Riverside Dr in the heart of Danville, near the Danville Mall. The flag site overlooks Central Blvd, and is highly visible at one of the busiest intersections in Danville. The moon was taking her place in the Danville sky as we lifted the Battle Flag high.

The Central Boulevard Memorial Roadside Battle Flag is #9 for Danville, #17 for the Va Flaggers in the Commonwealth...and we have only just begun to fight.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day in the Last Capital of the Confederacy. God was smiling on us and watching over those who had worked so hard during the week to make this a reality. We are absolutely overwhelmed by the support shown from the Danville community and local heritage organizations. What we have been able to accomplish in Danville is a testimony of what can be done when our people come together. We are thankful for the support of and cooperation from the local SCV, UDC, SCV/Mechanized Cavalry, OCR, ANV/Mechanized Cavalry, Heritage Preservation Association, Danville Confederate Memorial Association and countless individuals who have joined in this fight. The battle is being fought on many fronts€¦ from the courthouse, to the City Council, to the streets of Danville€¦ and we have no intention of backing down until the Third National is returned to its lawful and rightful place on the grounds of the Sutherland Mansion.

We did not ask for this fight, but like our Confederate ancestors whose blood flows through our veins, we are honor and duty bound to finish it.


Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

*To request a Roadside Memorial Battle Flag on your property, email:
*For more information on how to support the Danville Confederate Memorial Association and their efforts to purchase the Sutherlin Mansion, click here...


  1. The Flags look fantastic! Very proud to be Southern born and Southern bred. Thank you for honoring our Southern Heroes.

  2. Very nice work with the flags. Makes me proud to be Southern born and Southern bred. Thank you for honoring our Southern Heroes

  3. I think its great that there is so many people trying to help save our southern Heritage i fell it is part of history and people shouldnt try to erase it that flag dose not stand for hate it is part of souhern haritage and i hope to see more of them


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