Saturday, July 10, 2021

Southern Culture Genocide Continues as Charlottesville Removes Historic War Memorials


After years of legal battles, against the wishes of the majority of the citizens of the Commonwealth, at the expense of her taxpayers, and because democrats finally took control of our legislature and immediately repealed our law protecting war memorials, the radical leftist regime in Charlottesville is finally getting their wish to destroy the majestic Lee and Jackson memorials, placed there by Charlottesville’s citizens over 100 years ago. They are coming down today.
We are thankful for all those who have fought the good fight that kept the monuments standing for years after City Council voted to remove them, much to the dismay of the terrorists in Charlottesville, and while our hearts are heavy, we remain ever confident in our future, knowing that while evil may have the upper hand for a moment, God is firmly in control. While the heathens rage, we are comforted by the knowledge that the names of Lee and Jackson will be spoken with reverence and honor by true Virginians long after those who are behind these violent and hateful attacks on our history and heritage are long gone and forgotten.
With the removal of these memorials today, the Va Flaggers are stepping up our search for property in Charlottesville for a new roadside memorial battle flag site for each memorial destroyed. If you have land that may be available for use, PLEASE contact us at
God bless the eternal memories of Lee and Jackson, and God Save the South! #BoycottCVille


  1. Why can't you guys rescue the two monuments that were removed and put them on the land where you put the flagpoles at ?

  2. Erect 10,000 more flags. Keep going strong

  3. Keep putting flags up , don’t let these leftists thugs win!!!


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