Saturday, September 12, 2020

Confederate Air Force Flies High in Richmond


Earlier this afternoon, The Virginia Flaggers sponsored a banner plane that flew for several hours over the NASCAR race at Richmond International Raceway and portions of downtown RichmondThe promotion, code named “Confederate Air Force”, featured a large Confederate Battle Flag and the message “STILL THE CSA CAPITAL”, and served to remind Mayor Stoney, Governor Northam, and their extreme leftist Democrat friends in the Virginia legislature, that no matter how many graves they desecrate, monuments and memorials they destroy, or street or school names they erase, it does not change the fact that Richmond was, and always will be world renown as the “The Capital of the Confederacy”. 

Recent polls confirm that the majority of the citizens of the Commonwealth overwhelmingly OPPOSE Virginia democrats’ hate-filled, violent destruction of our history and heritage, and this plane sent the message loud and clear that those of us who understand the true history of the South, and understand the honor and valor of the citizen-soldier who answered the call to defend hearth and home against invasion,  will continue to do our duty to remember their courage and sacrifice.

Once known as the “Grandest Avenue in the South” and celebrated as one of Richmond’s top tourism draws, Monument Avenue now resembles a desolate war zone after months of riots and violent protests, encouraged and celebrated by Virginia democrats. Historic art has been destroyed and vandalized, with vulgar profanity and anti-law enforcement messages painted on public and private property, and left on full display by city officials.  When this campaign of terror and destruction finally ends, and even if they manage to destroy every Veterans’ memorial in the Commonwealth in the process, one thing is certain, the names of Lee and Jackson, and the men who bravely fought under their command, will be spoken with reverence and honor by true Virginians long after those who are attempting to tarnish their memory are gone and forgotten. 

“The vandals of Monument Avenue do not diminish these men; that is not within their power.  They merely diminish themselves, which is entirely within their power.”  ~ H.V. Traywick, Jr.  

The Virginia Flaggers is a Richmond-based, grass roots organization of citizens of the Commonwealth who stand AGAINST those who would desecrate our Confederate monuments and memorials, and FOR our Confederate veterans.  We are committed to preserving the true history of the Commonwealth and appreciate the outpouring of support in the past few months from outraged citizens, determined to help end the campaign of terror that is being waged against our Confederate dead.  We stand by our pledge to raise new Memorial Battle Flags and War Memorials for every one removed, destroyed, or desecrated.   


  1. Any plan for stopping Charlottesville from desecrating more of its statues?

  2. It matters not what the current residence of Virginia think. The CSA was the real America as it was based on the founding principles of a small federal government and local control. We don’t need to appeal to current residence, most of home hate the south, to recognize what is true.


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