Thursday, February 20, 2020

**BREAKING NEWS** Va Flaggers Raise Another Roadside Battle Flag in Virginia


The Virginia Flaggers are pleased to report the installation of a NEW Roadside Memorial Battle Flag in the Commonwealth!  This flag, our 30th since we raised our first one in September of 2013, was raised earlier this morning to the Glory of God, and in honor and memory of Virginia’s Confederate Veterans, on Rt. 40 in Pittsylvania County, on a busy stretch that is heavily traveled by travelers and tourists headed to Smith Mountain Lake. 

We want to thank Governor Northam and Virginia Democrats for the uptick in folks contacting us about putting battle flags on their property.  It seems their disgraceful attempts to denigrate our history and heritage, dishonor our veterans, and desecrate our monuments and memorials has backfired and hopefully will be the catalyst to wake the sleeping giant of Confederate resistance in the Commonwealth and help to turn Virginia back in the right direction.

Site #31 is in progress.  Stay tuned for information on the upcoming flag raising/dedication service.

Many thanks to each and every one of you whose generous support makes all of this possible.  Without your contributions, and the dedication and hard work of an army of volunteers, construction on new sites and maintenance of existing ones would be impossible.

All glory to God.  All honor to the Confederate soldier. 

To assist with our Interstate Battle Flags and ongoing Heritage Defense projects, please make checks payable to “The Virginia Flaggers” and mail to:

P.O. Box 393  Sutherland VA  23885
Or contribute through PayPal, here:


  1. I sure do love va. Flagger make my heart happy

  2. Whether confederate or union they were out veteran, battleships and history of this nation

  3. Thank you so much for restoring our heritage and history! I have many black friends and I believe if people truly knew what the civil war was about they would stop the hatred of the Confederate States and veterans that fought for the right to keep the Union army out, for the right for succession and their way of life as they knew it.

    Thank you again to all of you for your hard-working efforts.
    I pray that people will wake up and stop letting the politically correct take down the Confederate flag which represents our heritage, and I pray that the dishonor to the Confederate soldiers STOPS!


  4. God Bless the Virginia Flaggers! You Rock! Keep up the good work! Where do you send monetary donations?


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