Monday, September 2, 2019

Field Day of the Past Officials Ban Confederate Heritage Groups

Va Flaggers, SCV Denied Vendor Booths at Field Day of the Past Event

We are extremely disappointed to announce that the folks at Field Day of the Past are denying the Va Flaggers, The Edumnd Ruffin Fire-Eaters Camp #3000, SCV, the Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry and the Sally Tompkins Chapter #2, Virginia Society, Order of the Confederate Rose admittance as vendors in this year's event, and have informed us that we will not be allowed to return.

The reasons have varied greatly over the past 9 months in which we have tried to work this out quietly and peacefully, with everything from the "political nature" of the battle flag to the fact that our stickers were found applied to poles and other objects, to complaints about the large flag we raised at our booth last year, to political stickers on a car parked at one of the sites given as the reason.

We did everything in our power to prevent this, addressing every legitimate complaint they came up with and even meeting with them to try and clear up the obvious miscommunications. We have always enjoyed HUGE support at this event and have done our part to promote and support it for several years now, but at this point, we can no longer do so. We are asking anyone who supports Confederate heritage to boycott this event, any participants/vendors to
pull their support, and for everyone to contact Field Day officials to let them know why you won't be attending.

Field Day of the Past
P.O. Box 29643
Richmond, VA 23242
(804) 741-8468

FB Page:
Field Day of the Past, 2018. The display of this mega flag at our space was cited as one of the reasons we were denied a space this year. It looks like the handful who were offended are celebrating and giving the Field Day of the Past officials kudos for finally ending the "overtly racist display of the battle flag" at their events. Should be an interesting crowd this year.
The local media quickly picked up the story and the backlash has been swift and strong.  Vendors and other groups who support Confederate heritage have withdrawn from the event, and hundreds have pledged to boycott.

One of the many folks upset by the news was a local resident who hosts a swap meet event the same Saturday as the Field Day Event, just a few miles away, hosting over 12,000 visitors.  We received a call from the organizer, who let us know that he would be honored to have us attend their event, and set up a booth near the front entrance to make sure that all who attend know where they stand on the issue.

Come see us!
Gilmanor Farm Trade Days
Breakfast & Lunch available
September 21, 8:00 am - until
***295 to Route 33 West approximately 4 1/2 miles on left**
12187 Chewing Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059

The Field Day event was not only a chance for us to meet and greet thousands of supporters and meet new ones, it also was one of our biggest fund raising events of the year.  We are thankful for the opportunity to make up at least some of that loss at the Gilmanor Farm Swap Meet and look forward to seeing some of you there.


  1. Take away their street names, monuments, plaugue and pictures on Bill boards. I am so sick of people say they are offended.

  2. So its field day of the present.... Sounds pointless let's just go to the mall


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