Monday, October 17, 2016

North Carolina Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Raises First Roadside Memorial Battle Flag!



The Virginia Flaggers offer our sincere congratulations and best wishes to the men of the North Carolina Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, who raised their first roadside memorial battle flag this weekend as part of their "Flags Across the Carolinas" project!

From Commander Kevin Stone: 

I am pleased to announce that our Division has completed it's first flag-raising as part of the "Flags Across the Carolinas" project!  The flag was raised today, Sunday, October 16, through the hard work of the membership of Sanford's Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp #803. The Camp will maintain the site and make improvements to increase the visibility of the flag from the road.

Because of its location along the Jefferson Davis Highway, our first flag is dedicated to Jefferson Davis, the first and only President of the Confederate States of America. Davis was a remarkable man who, in addition to carrying the Confederate states through four years of war against impossible odds, was a decorated U.S. Army veteran, Congressman, Senator, and Secretary of War. It is right to honor a man that served two countries so well and who conducted himself through great personal and political strife with skill and dignity. He truly was one of the last great statesmen.

Our flag is an 8' x 8' Army of Northern Virginia battle flag atop a 40 foot pole. It is located in Moore County on the side of the Jefferson Davis Highway (U.S. 1) outside of Cameron.

I would also like to report at this time that our first Mega Flag is still under construction - if you know anyone who can help us set the pole, please contact me as that would move the project along toward completion. Once we pass that hurdle, we will organize a Division dedication event surrounding the flag-raising.

For now, enjoy the fact that there is now one more large Confederate flag, the standard of our ancestors, proudly flying in North Carolina. Pictures are included below.

See you on the front lines...


  1. Yes! I have ancestors in the North Carolina 25th infantry regiment. They are so proud!


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