Wednesday, June 10, 2015

45th Annual Florida Division SCV Reunion

Hello, friends!

I want to begin by apologizing for the absence of reports and updates of late. Like many of you, April and May have been busy ones for us, with Confederate History and Heritage month in April, Memorial Day activities in May, and our ongoing Heritage Defense and roadside Battle Flag projects.  Typically, we like to send 1 or 2 updates a week.  I have received several requests for and inquiries about missing reports and updates, so I will be getting those out over the next few days, and ask for your patience as we play" catch up".
This weekend, I had the pleasure and honor of attending the 45th annual Florida Division, SCV Reunion in Ocala, Florida.  I was thrilled to see many old friends, and enjoyed meeting and making new ones!  It was my privilege, in 2012, to attend the raising of the World's Largest Third National Confederate Flag in Tampa.  That experience was one of the catalysts that inspired me to begin the flag raising efforts that led to the 6 new Battle Flags that have been raised in Virginia since, so I was very excited to receive the invitation to attend and address the assembly.

I got to see and learn about this battle flag from the Old Soldiers Home in Jacksonville! It hung over the mantle in the parlor, and is believed to have been used to drape the coffins of the old soldiers for their funerals.  Many thanks to Commander Hart of the Kirby-Smith Camp #1209

I would like to offer my special thanks to Ms. Sylvia Darby, and all of the ladies of the Florida Society, Order of Confederate Rose for their invitation to join them for their meeting.  What a wonderful group of ladies!  It was a real privilege to meet so many of my sister Roses and get a chance to be a part of your convention.  These ladies adjourned their meeting early, and special provisions were made so that they could join the SCV Reunion and offer their support when I was scheduled to speak.

I delivered my remarks on Saturday and was overwhelmed by the outpouring of encouragement and appreciation from the members of the Florida Division, SCV.  I spent much of the day chatting with folks, discussing heritage defense issues, BIG flags, catching up with old friends and getting to know some new ones.

I wish to thank Florida Division Commander Jim Davis, Michael Herring of the Jubal Early Camp, and all those involved for the kind invitation, warm hospitality, and generous support!

While in the area, I was able to pay my respects at the Confederate monument in Ocala...

"The South reveres her Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Andrew Jackson and others who laid the foundations of our grand republic. She honors her Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Stuart, Johnston, Forrest, and every brave son who fought to preserve OUR LIBERTIES, guaranteed by the fathers, under the constitution." Marion County Confederate Monument, Ocala, FL
...the Confederate Monument in Gainesville...

...and had the opportunity to visit the graves of some of our Veterans in Evergreen Cemetery in Gainesville, and plant flags and leave remembrance coins in their memory and honor.

Many thanks to David Tatum for supplying the remembrance coins, and to the Augusta Jane Evans Wilson Chapter #2063, UDC for the gift of the battle flags for placement!

Susan Hathaway
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

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