Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fight Like Forrest REDUX

Although most of us on the front lines of heritage defense stopped visiting their blogs and ceased reading their nonsense long ago, many of you have been kind enough to let us know that several of the anti-Confederate bloggers/amateur historians have ratcheted up their vitriol and attacks against us over the last few weeks.

If it were not so pathetic, it might be comical to one of them even went to the extreme of creating a bogus poll regarding the removal of flags/desecration of Lee Chapel, in an attempt to lure Confederate Heritage activists to his site.

Brooks D. Simpson on August 1, 2014 at 4:47 pm said: "Oh, I know that the various heritage sites are rushing over here to vote. Of course, then they also see the post on Lilly Baumann. Sometimes you have to provide an inducement for people to visit."

Fraudulent profiles on FaceBook and other internet sites, misleading group names, designed to attract those of Confederate ancestry and now a fake "poll" created specifically to lure our folks to their hate-filled sites. We can only conclude that these folks are desperate for attention and/or site traffic and feeling VERY irrelevant. It seems that since all previous attempts to smear and defame us have failed miserably, they are resorting to deception and fraud in what appears to be last-ditch attempts to get SOMEONE to pay attention to their false accusations and innuendo, most recently attempting to link members of the Va Flaggers to a child custody/domestic dispute in Florida.

Another spent some time in Petersburg recently, and was apparently quite unsettled by our presence at the 150th Commemoration of The Battle of the Crater, so much so that the Va Flaggers have been the main subject of his blog posts ever since. The man who once predicted there would NEVER be an I-95 flag...
"Prediction: There will be no Confederate flag on I-95 near Richmond." K. Levin, August 18, 2013
...reports that he made a point to ask for directions to the Chester Memorial Battle flag site, and acknowledged that his only disappointment was that there was no wind blowing to lift the flag at the time he stopped by. What he is really upset about is the fact that we dared to offer an alternative to his "version" of events at The Crater, and that Park officials and visitors welcomed us and allowed us to share the truth before, during and after events last week. (Watch for an update soon with some very exciting news on this subject!)

These folks have tried (and failed) over and over to connect us with everything from "white supremacists" to "child abusers" to "kidnappers", ALL because we disagree with their version of OUR history and refuse to sit by quietly while THEY determine how we will honor and remember our ancestors. It has been almost three years since we first stepped onto the sidewalk in Richmond, and not only are we still standing, despite their repeated predictions of doom and gloom, but we are moving forward with renewed strength and support that grows daily, as more and more folks choose to take a stand.

Letter received, today, with gift:
"Dear Va Flaggers, Please accept this gift in honor of my fallen Confederate ancestors. I fully support your efforts, and would be happy if someone would put up some flags in Northern Virginia to counter the oppression of our rights to free speech. I cannot remain silent any longer." - William W, Arlington, VA
I have been asked what I am going "to do" about these most recent attacks and the ongoing smear campaign. My answer? Nothing. These folks are only relevant when we give them our attention and we flatly refuse to do so. We have much work to do, and any time and energy wasted on dealing with folks like this who are twisted up with hate and contempt for all things Southern, only takes our focus off of the Confederate soldiers we are determined to honor and defend, and away from the front lines of the Southern Heritage battles we face every day.

Please take a moment to read "Fight Like Forrest, NOT Sherman", in the link below, which further addresses this issue. Although it was written several months ago, the sentiments contained therein remain unchanged.

Thank you all for your constant prayers and support. We are looking forward with great anticipation to continuing the work that has begun, and are excited about the prospect of several new projects on the horizon.

God bless you all, and GOD SAVE THE SOUTH!

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done..." Genesis 50:20

Photo: Confederate Monument and mass grave, Warrenton Cemetery, Warrenton, VA
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

1 comment:

  1. It was Brooks D. Simpson's blog that had postings from purported genealogists with regard to Jenny Horne's Evan Davis way back in another distant branch of her family tree, NOT near the more immediate branch where her James Jefferson Davis born about 1841/1842 in Georgia was. I believed then, and still believe, that this was a red herring put out by those attempting to deceive us long enough for the shockwave of her claim to be put forth by Anderson Cooper and the Marxist media. Six months later when I posted the actual genealogy, Simpson was careful to distance himself from what I posted. More to the point, when that fraud Robert Lee was put forward at the VMA's, Confederates quashed the attempt pretty quickly to misappropriate our heritage. These "bloggers" are just another branch of the Confederate American-haters, working to enable them Treat them as the enemies they are, no different from the more open haters.


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