Monday, May 19, 2014

Va Flaggers: VMFA Update 5-18-2014

Saturday, May 3rd was a beautiful, and BUSY day on the Boulevard in Richmond.  Traffic was heavy and an Anti-Confederate protestor, who is usually alone, showed up with a few friends, standing with him and holding signs.  It seems that they stood just a little too closely to our Flaggers, however.  It only took a few minutes for one of our seasoned and most respected Flaggers to strike up a conversation, which gradually drew them all in.  As they listened, and learned the truth about the Va Flaggers and why we are out there, they began to fold their signs and one by one slung them under their arms.  Eventually, all but three dropped their signs and quickly left, once they realized that they had been brought their under false pretenses. :)

With over a dozen Flaggers, we were able to stretch the line to cover the sidewalk around the block and had good conversations out front on the Boulevard, as well, and several of our Flaggers were interviewed by VCU Film students, as well as a U of R History professor.

All in all, a fantastic day, with many opportunities to educate and inform residents, tourists, and Museum visitors about the valor and honor of our Confederate ancestors.

Tuesday, May 6th brought another gorgeous day, and Flaggers reported heavy auto traffic, with many honks, waves, and shouts of support from passers-by.

It was also a good day for conversations, with several opportunities to educate folks about the forced removal of Confederate Battle Flags from the Confederate Memorial Chapel by the VMFA.

On Saturday morning, May 10th, the Va Flaggers held a ceremony for Confederate Memorial day at Oakwood Cemetery.  Several of those who attended from out of town joined us on the Boulevard after the service was concluded.  After a little "clearing up shower", we enjoyed a good couple of hours, with several new Flaggers forwarding the colors and standing for our Confederate ancestors for the first time!

We debuted some new signs, and had a few good chats with VMFA security...

Thursday, May 15th was a little cloudy, but the rain held off long enough for about a dozen flaggers to make a very effective appearance and continue our vigil.
Saturday, May 17th saw the Anti-Confederate protestor return, alone despite his public calls for others to join him and once again blared rap music, with very offensive lyrics, laced with profanity and racial slurs.  Our Flaggers held the line, and came prepared to block out the garbage that permeates from the protestor's mp3 player.

The Va Flaggers are committed to standing for our Ancestors, and continuing this vigil until the flags are returned to their rightful place on the Confederate Memorial Chapel, and the honor is restored to the men who lived and died on the grounds of the Old Soldiers' Home.  We believe it is time to STAND UP and PUSH BACK against those who have for so long, been allowed to desecrate our Memorials and dishonor our Veterans.

JOIN US on the front lines, TUESDAY, May 20th, 3:00 pm - Dusk, and SATURDAY, May 24th, NOON - Dusk, as we forward the colors and protest the VMFA.  If you can't join us, please take a moment to support those on the ground by making a phone call. PLEASE CALL (804) 340-1400 and ask museum officials to return the flags to the portico of the Confederate Memorial Chapel.  We know that EVERY CALL is documented and EVERY CONTACT reminds them that there are others who care about the desecration of the Chapel.

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Norwood "TriPp" Lewis
Va Flaggers

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