Monday, March 24, 2014

Va Flaggers Update 3-24-2014 - Forwarding the Colors

Although carrying our flags in protest is one of the most visible outward displays of our efforts, we also carry our flags in honor and memory of the Confederate soldier and in support of Memorials, Living Histories, Re-Enactments, and many other events.  It is part of our desire to bring the Confederate flag out of hiding and back into the public  .By doing so, we also have many opportunities to help educate the public as we are greeted with questions and engage in discussions with curious attendees.

We have had several such opportunities over the last week.

Last Saturday, the Edmund Rufin FireEaters Camp #3000 held a Grave Marker Dedication Service for Compatriot and Va Flagger Jim Tingle's ancestor at Hollywood Cemetery.  The Va Flaggers were honored to attend this service, where the Edmund Ruffins FireEater Color Guard presented the colors.  Compatriots and Va Flagger supporters Jeffrey and Tommy-Lee Newton, from Kenbridge, stood guard over the grave site.

FireEater Commander Darryl Starnes gave a moving tribute to Crprl Tingle, which included an historical account of his service to the CSA, and prayers of dedication.  He presented Mr. Tingle with a beautiful CBF in honor and memory of his ancestor.  The FireEater artillery crew fired a salute at the conclusion and Corporal William Tingle, Company D, 4th Va Volunteers' new tombstone was consecrated.

Immediately following the dedication, and prior to heading to the VMFA for flagging, the Va Flaggers drove across town to Shockoe Cemetery, to attend the dedication of new Grave Markers, erected by the Sally L Tompkins Chapter #2, Va Order of The Confederate Rose.  14 of the young girls who died in the Confederate Munitions explosion on Brown's Island are buried here, until now in unmarked graves.  The ladies of the OCR started a campaign and raised the necessary funds in less than a year to mark each grave.

The dedication service was well attended and the Edmund Ruffin FireEaters provided the Color Guard and Artillery Salute.  Congratulations to the Sally L Tompkins Chapter for a job well done and a beautiful service.  The Va Flaggers were honored to have supported the efforts of these hard working ladies and glad to be in attendance to honor the memory of these young girls of the Confederacy.

 Yesterday, several Va Flaggers forwarded the colors at the Ft. Clifton 150th Anniversary Heritage Day.  They enjoyed the events and displays, and spoke with participants and visitors.  Barry was invited to join McClanahan's Battery for a few volleys, and had a great time with Hugh Hall and his men. 

The Flaggers reported that the highlight of the event was attending the evening performance of "Soldiers in Gray" by Stan Clardy. 

The Va Flaggers are tired of the soldier's flag being vilified and are not ashamed to carry it in memory and honor of the Confederate soldier, whether it be to protest its forced removal, as in the case of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts...or a memorial service on the Battle Fields at Sharpsburg... or any event in which the Confederate Soldier deserves recognition.

We are encouraged and inspired by the increasing number of people we see doing the same...and by campaigns such as the Georgia Division SCV's "Flags Across Georgia", whereby the Division is sponsoring new Interstate and roadside Battle Flag Memorials, assisting Brigades and Camps with their flag projects, and encouraging ALL of its membership to fly the Soldiers' flag or '56 Georgia on their own property, as memorials to our Confederate dead, a sign of solidarity, and a show of resistance to the continued and increasing attacks against our Heritage.  

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

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