Friday, March 14, 2014


Tomorrow, Saturday, March 15th is a BIG day in the Capital of the Confederacy...

10:00 a.m. - Start the day off with a tombstone dedication ceremony at Hollywood Cemetery. Dedication of marker for Corp. Willia
m Tingle, Co. D, 4th Va Volunteers, CSA. Died June 11, 1864. Corp. Tingle's Great-Grandson, Jim Tingle is a Virginia Flagger and a member of the Edmund Ruffin Fire Eaters S.C.V. Camp 3000, who will be conducting the ceremony. Open to the public.

Noon - 6:00 p.m. - FLAGGING THE VMFA Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Join the Va Flaggers for Day 15 of OPERATION BLACK FLAG. Tomorrow promises to be a beautiful day, and we need to line the sidewalk with Flaggers and flags! Come when you can, and stay as long as you can. JOIN US and be a part of those who are taking a stand against the VMFA and their dishonoring of AMERICAN Veterans and desecration of the Confederate Memorial Chapel. If you can't be there, we ask you to please take a moment to support the troops on the ground! This week, we are asking you to contact STEPHEN BONADIES, Collections and Facilities Management at the VMFA. Contact Mr. Bonadies by email:, or by phone at 804.340.1524. Tell him it is time to end the nonsense and return the Confederate Battle Flags to the Confederate Memorial Chapel, and restore the honor to the Confederate Veterans who lived and died on the grounds of the Old Soldier's Home.

1:00 p.m. - Shockoe Cemetery - Tombstone Dedication Ceremony. The Order of the Confederate Rose Captain Sally l. Tompkins #2 tombstone dedication ceremony for fourteen of the young ladies who were laid to rest in Shockoe Cemetery in unmarked graves. The Sally l. Tompkins chapter has worked hard to raise enough money for these young ladies to each have their own personal grave marker! These young ladies were just a few who worked for the Confederate States munitions factory on Brown's Island, who lost their lives on March 13, 1863.

Tired of seeing our Heritage attacked and our Veterans treated as subjects of derision? Then DO something about it. Stand and be counted at any or all of these events tomorrow, show the City of Richmond that there are still those who refuse to allow our heroes to be forgotten, and support those making a difference in RVA.

TriPp Lewis, Va Flaggers

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