Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Va Flaggers Update: VMFA - Raising the Black Flag

Chilly, but clear, last Tuesday, February 25th saw a dozen Flaggers gather on the Boulevard.  We were able to spread the line to wrap around to the entrance of the VMFA, and our signs and 20' flags brought many honks of approval and support! 

For the first time since we began Flagging the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in October, 2011, we were confronted by "counter protestors". This young man parked his trike in the midst of the Flaggers, and proceeded to blast profanity-laced music from his MP3 player.  It didn't take long for him to realize that we were not going to give an inch, or give him any attention, and he soon tired and left.   

 Saturday, March 1st, 10 Flaggers spent the afternoon on the Boulevard.  We were thrilled to have several out of town flaggers stand with us, including Va Flagger friend and supporter Joe Clark, Alabama Division SCV South East Brigade Commander.  After helping out at Hollywood Cemetery, Cmndr. Clark spent the afternoon forwarding the colors and holding the line.  What an amazing show of support!  Thank you, Sir, for taking time out of your trip to Richmond to join the Flaggers and stand with us!  God bless the boys from Alabama! 

It was a beautiful day, with another visit from the protestor, this time drawing the attention of VMFA security, but again, proving futile in his attempts to drive away the Flaggers.  Despite the interruption, Flaggers were able to talk with museum visitors, tourists, and residents, distributing literature, educating them about the situation with the Chapel, changing hearts and minds, and HAVING FUN! 

Virginia Flaggers Call to Action!

Flagging the VMFA Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, TODAY, Thursday, March 6, 3:00 pm - Dusk, 200 N. Boulevard.

March marks the start of our 30th month of Flagging the VMFA, in response to the forced remov
al of Confederate Battle Flags from the portico of the Confederate Memorial Chapel in Richmond. The length of time has served to strengthen our resolve, as our numbers and support continues to grow. Instead of surrender, our Flaggers are determined to RAISE THE BLACK FLAG, and we are stepping up our efforts this month.

PLEASE consider joining us! If you have ever thought about getting down to the Boulevard, NOW IS THE TIME! There is plenty of room on the sidewalk, and plenty of experienced Flaggers ready and willing to show you the ropes!

If you can't make it tomorrow, PLEASE support the Va Flaggers by calling Museum Director Alex Nyerges at (804) 340-1504 or writing via email: or fax: (804) 340-1502 and ask Mr. Nyerges to return the Confederate Battle Flags to the Confederate Memorial Chapel... and restore the honor to the Confederate Veterans who lived and died on the grounds of the Old Solder's Home.

Won't you take a few minutes to support those who stand twice a week, every week, in protest of those who would dishonor our Confederate Veterans, and in honor and memory of our gallant ancestors?

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Grayson  Jennings
Va Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

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