Thursday, January 16, 2014

VMFA Update 1-15-2014

Despite the recent cold snap and some VERY stormy afternoons, the Va Flaggers have continued our vigil at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts as 2014 kicked off, with Flaggers forwarding the colors at least twice a week.

Va Flaggers engage pedestrians and pass out fliers detailing the situation at the Confederate Memorial Chapel...and post the colors on the Boulevard in front of the VMFA. :)

These ladies were visiting from Pennsylvania.  After the Flaggers helped them park their car, they were happy to pose with our flags. 

Va Flaggers gather in front of the Confederate Memorial Chapel...


In 2010, the VMFA Virginia Museum of Fine Arts forced the removal of Confederate flags from the Confederate Memorial Chapel on the grounds of the Old Soldiers' Home in Richmond, desecrating the memorial and dishonoring the men who lived and died on the grounds, and in whose memory the Chapel is dedicated. SADLY, many think that we, the sons and daughters of these men, should just "let it go" and "get over it".

The Va Flaggers think that resignation and compromise such as this is what has gotten us to exactly where we are today and we say NO MORE. The time has come to stand and defend the honor and valor of these men, and 118 weeks after we began our vigil, we are more determined than ever to stay the course.

Will you join us?

Flagging the VMFA  this Saturday, Tuesday, January 18th, Noon - 4:00 p.m., 200 N. Boulevard, Richmond, VA. If you cannot join us on the sidewalk, PLEASE support the troops on the ground by calling the museum and asking them to RETURN THE FLAGS to the Confederate Memorial Chapel and RESTORE THE HONOR to the Confederate Veterans who built her. Call the Board of Trustees Office at (804) 340-1595.


Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

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