Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Massive Confederate Battle Flags Return Across the Commonwealth


In anticipation of the storms that moved through Virginia on this past Friday and Saturday, our Guardians of the Flags were busy last week, removing and securing our 28 flag sites across the Commonwealth.

Over the next few days, the last of the big flags will be put back up, now that the threat has passed.   Our folks are inspecting ropes and flags, and replacing damaged flags so that they can be repaired.  With a shipment of new flags just received, we anticipate replacing over half of the flags with new ones this week.

We truly appreciate the many messages, phone calls, and emails inquiring about missing flags!  It is a real blessing to know so many folks are helping to keep an eye on our flag sites.

Many thanks to our dozens of Guardians of the Flags on the ground  throughout Virginia who help to maintain the flag sites and raise, lower, and replace flags as needed.  God bless each and every one of them, and each of YOU whose generous support keeps these flags flying!

All glory to God.  All honor to the Confederate soldier.

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