Friday, July 24, 2015

Flagging the VMFA/Capitol Rally

Last week, the Sons of Confederate Veterans National Reunion was held in Richmond, and we scheduled flaggings at the VMFA Thursday and Friday to allow folks from out of town to join us on the Boulevard.  We were absolutely thrilled at the response, with over 35 folks joining us over the two days, with flaggers from TEXAS, ILLINOIS, TENNESSEE, MARYLAND, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA...and all the way from FRANCE raising their Battle Flags in protest of the forced removal of Confederate Battle Flags from the Confederate Memorial Chapel.

The weather was warm, but traffic was heavy, and there were many chances for good conversations.  This gentleman asked to pose for a photo after finding out why we were out on the Boulevard.  

It was a great couple of days, and those who joined us for the first time, came away with the knowledge that while there are some challenges... flagging is.. FUN!

MANY, MANY thanks to all who took time out to join us!

On Saturday, we teamed with the Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry to sponsor the First Annual "Capital of the Confederacy Rally to Save Confederate History and Heritage",

We were excited to have over 250 folks turn out to lift their voices in defense of our Confederate Veterans!

Rousing remarks from Richard Hines and Fred Taylor stirred the crowd and called everyone in attendance to action!

The Stafford Light Artillery, Camp # 2247 provided a color guard, and we were THRILLED to have Maryland Division SCV Commander Jay Barringer and Gen. Isaac Trimble Camp # 1836 Commander Terry Klima join us and share their talents with special music, including a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace that brought reverence and worship to the Capitol grounds. 

Dan Coleman, Georgia Division Judge Advocate brought us an update on Stone Mountain, and  challenged those gathered to "take the offense" , and take the fight to the enemy.

We were pleased with the turnout, buoyed by the enthusiasm of those present, and hope this was the first of many such rallies to come. 
Great video here, courtesy of Eileen Zoellner:

One of the highlights was getting to meet many supporters, and make new connections with folks who are eager to join us in taking a stand.  We offer our sincere appreciation to all those who helped make the event possible. It was TRULY a group effort, and we are thankful for all who stepped up to answer the call.
Grayson Jennings
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

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