Saturday, May 2, 2015

Heritage Assault Continues in Virginia: SCV Evicted from Confederate Memorial Chapel

In a move that comes as no surprise to anyone who has followed the situation here, the VMFA (Virginia Museum of Fine Arts) and Commonwealth of Virginia have taken the next step in the Confederate cleansing of Confederate Memorial Park, by evicting the Lee-Jackson Camp #1, SCV from the Confederate Memorial Chapel on the grounds of the Old Soldiers home, refusing to renew a decades-old lease that had allowed them to interpret the history of the Chapel and the Confederate Veterans who lived and died on the grounds of the Old Soldiers' home, seemingly, in direct violation of the Code of Virginia:
Moving forward, the VMFA and the Commonwealth will provide the "interpretation", thank you very much!:

"The museum also will develop uniform and professional interpretation of its grounds and historic properties, including the chapel and the Robinson House, which are the only two surviving buildings from the property's original service to Confederate veterans."
We strongly believe that Carpetbaggers and Scalawags have no business "interpreting" OUR history.

In the early 1930's, the Lee-Jackson Camp deeded the land for the VMFA, with the stipulation that the parcel generously donated was to never be expanded, and that the remainder of the grounds would be forever preserved as a Confederate Memorial Park.  Since then, the VMFA and the Commonwealth have continually violated both the spirit and the law of the agreement, to the point where the VMFA has completely taken over the grounds, and paved over most of Confederate Memorial Park.
In 1950, the Attorney General of Virginia wrote an opinion, advising the Governor that neither the VMFA nor the Commonwealth could "legally convey or grant to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts any title, easement or irrevocable privilege to use in any way property now a part of the R. E. Lee Camp Confederate Memorial Park" (See attached)

In 2010, the VMFA and the Commonwealth forced the removal of Confederate flags from the portico of the Chapel, and placed a US flag on the Chapel grounds, both of which are in direct violation of Virginia law.
The ridiculous claim by museum officials (repeated in this article) that the flag removal was some sort of noble attempt at "historically accuracy" has been thoroughly debunked.  Please see:

The Virginia Flaggers began protesting the flag removal in the fall of 2011.  Since then, we have maintained a constant vigil,  forwarding the colors outside of the VMFA  twice a week, every week.  Now that the VMFA and the Commonwealth have kicked the SCV off of the grounds, our presence will be more important than ever, as we will be the ONLY voice for the Confederate Veterans. 

If anything, this latest attack has renewed our commitment and determination.  We will continue our efforts, with new energy and fresh resolve, and hope it will serve as a wake up call for others to join us!

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers
"I hold concession or compromise to be fatal. If we concede an inch, concession would follow concession. compromise would follow compromise, until our ranks would be so broken that effectual resistance would be impossible."  John C. Calhoun

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