Friday, April 10, 2015

Va Flaggers Update: Charlottesville Braces for a Confederate Flag/Smoke & Mirrors Continues at W&L

"News" report on proposed Memorial Battle Flag in Charlottesville

"City Councilor Kristin Szakos, who has suggested it might be time to get rid of statues of Lee and Jackson in downtown parks, said she finds it "petty" that the Flaggers want to put up a flagpole here "because they're not from Charlottesville. Why they care, I don't know."

Because WE (the Va Flaggers) are not "from Charlottesville"????...says the woman who is FROM....Long Island, NEW YORK.

Meanwhile, back in Lexington, we wanted to share this photo of the new I-81 flag majestic in splendor in our Shenandoah Valley with the Blue Ridge as a backdrop!

...and this video of the flag on the day of the raising, with photography from Judy Smith Photography and Tredegar DroneWorks.  Absolutely breathtaking...!

...and a few photos from the ceremony, with special thanks to the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Herman White, who came from North Carolina to join us and speak to those gathered. 


When we arrived, skies were gray, temperatures were in the 30's and, snow actually began to fall just as we started the dedication.  However, just a few minutes after the flag was raised, the snow stopped, the clouds moved out, and bright sunshine filled the sky, allowing us the opportunity to take the wonderful photographs we have shared with you.

Thanks to all who gathered to attend the ceremony, and to each of the hundreds of supporters who made it possible.

Never passing up an opportunity to forward the colors in Lexington, the Va Flaggers headed to Washington & Lee University after raising the I-81 Battle Flag.

Although the weather was cold and blustery, foot traffic was brisk, and we had many opportunities to talk with students, alumni, and parents.

A perfect ending to a GLORIOUS and very Confederate day in Lexington.

More smoke and mirrors out of Washington & Lee University:

In the article,

"The flag display is in keeping with actions taken by W&L last year after a group of law students complained that such tributes to the Confederacy were offensive to minority students. At the time, university President Kenneth Ruscio said replica flags in the building were being removed because they were not presented in an educational matter.

But Ruscio's announcement left room for displays of genuinely historic flags such as the one to be included in the "Lee in the Field" exhibit. For years, that flag was one of the originals that hung near the "Recumbent Lee" statue in the chapel.

Other battle flags, particularly those with historic connections to W&L and the Lexington area, are planned for future exhibits."

Once again, W&L would have the public, students, and alumni believe that the decision to forcibly remove the replica ANV Battle Flags from the LEE Chapel mausoleum was somehow related to the project to restore and display the original battle flags and that President Ruscio was involved in that project.  This is blatantly FALSE.

The restoration project was part of an agreement between the UDC, The Museum formerly known as the Museum of the Confederacy, and the University. We have been able to secure a copy of this agreement, and while it does call for the removal of the original battle flags for restoration, and for the flags to be properly displayed in glass cases in the museum in the basement of the Chapel, it in NO WAY dictates that the reproduction flags, provided by the SCV as a replacement for the originals, must be removed from the Chapel.

The referenced agreement was made in 1997, long before Mr. Ruscio became President of the University, and yet they expect us to believe that it just so happens that they decided to take the reproduction flags out of the Chapel in July of 2014, as part of a new agreement with the Museum formerly known as the Museum of the Confederacy, not to appease "The Committee".  Do not be fooled by this nonsense.  The authentic flags were removed for restoration and proper display, as they should have been, and special replica flags were made to be displayed in their place. 

The replica flags were removed in July of 2014 for ONE appease the demands of SIX agitators from the W&L Law School.

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

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