Thursday, July 24, 2014

W&L Update - LEE Chapel Closed for SCV Rally/Symposium

This just in, from the Lee Chapel Face Book Page:
We regret to announce that Lee Chapel and Museum will be closed from Friday, July 25 at 3:00 p.m. through Sunday July 27.. This unscheduled closing is based on concerns for the safety of the facility and its staff on the day that the Sons of Confederate Veterans have scheduled a rally in Lexington. We must take this unfortunate precaution because of the inflammatory and threatening letters, emails and phone calls the University has received in response to the removal of reproduction battle flags from the statue chamber in Lee Chapel and the decision to bring authentic battle flags to the Lee Chapel Museum. We apologize for this inconvenience.

This announcement is an obvious attempt on the part of Washington & Lee University to incite unwarranted anger and misplaced fear towards the honorable members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  We call on the administration to do the honorable thing!  If there is a viable, traceable threat, then have the guilty arrested... and show their face and name on all media outlets.  Without proof, this announcement is nothing more than slander and innuendo designed to defame the excellent character of the men of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. 

Even the wording in the statement rings of their attempts to cover their actions.  We know for a fact that NO ONE is complaining that they are bringing "authentic battle flags to the Lee Chapel Museum". We applaud this effort.  The only complaint is that they are using THAT action as a smoke screen and excuse to remove the replica flags from the chamber, when in fact, the desecration was done solely to appease the demands of six students who threatened "civil obedience".

This statement proves that we are making progress.  The administration is feeling the heat and pressure of thousands of Southerners who have said "ENOUGH"... "NO MORE"...and W&L is striking back in anger, and with underhanded tactics.  Our efforts are working...and bringing unwanted attention to their despicable actions.  They have realized that we will not sit idly by while university officials dishonor General Robert E. Lee.  We have gathered in Lexington on a half dozen occasions since the Save Our Flags Rally of September, 2011, and NOT ONCE has there been ANY report of violence, attacks, or even inappropriate conduct. 

Now, more than ever, we need to stand strong in the face of this unwarranted attack.   PLEASE continue the letter writing, emailing and phone calls, and help us keep a constant presence at the University.   We look forward to having a good turnout this Saturday, and for as long as necessary...until the flags are returned!

REMINDER:  The Va Flaggers have called for and observed a TOTAL boycott of Lexington, Va,  following the September 1, 2011 flag ban ordinance by Lexington City Council that prevents the flags of Lee and Jackson from flying on City flag stands during the Lee-Jackson holiday.  PLEASE make arrangements so that NOT ONE DIME is spent within the city limits.  When you come, pack in food, or eat outside the city limits.  Stop by the Visitor's Center, sign the guest book, and tell them WHY you won't put any money into Lexington's coffers.  

We have also been asked about what flags we suggest to bring.  While any Confederate flag is suitable, we would suggest carrying Army of Northern Battle Flags, if possible, during the protests in Lexington, as the flags removed from the chamber at the LEE Chapel were ANV Battle Flags. 

Rally/symposium info:

See you in Lexington...RALLY BEHIND THE VIRGINIANS! 

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

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