Friday, May 10, 2024

Virginia School Board Votes to Restore Confederate School Names



Meeting attendees bow for prayer before the Shenandoah County, VA  School Board meeting, May 9, 2024. 

Shortly after 12:30 am this morning, May 10, 2024, on the 161st Anniversary of the death of Stonewall Jackson, the Shenandoah County Public Schools Board voted to restore the names of the Southern Campus Schools to Ashby-Lee Elementary and Stonewall Jackson High School.
The motion passed via 5-1 vote with Kyle Gutshall casting the only NO vote.
The exact language of the motion that was approved was: “I move that the names of Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School be restored to the schools now named Mountain View High School and Honey Run Elementary School respectively. The funds required to implement the restoration must be provided by private donations exclusively and not be borne by the school system or government tax funds, though the SCPS will oversee disbursements relating to restoration costs.”

In 2020, the school board renamed the schools, both in Quicksburg, in a move that saw board members cave to outside leftist extremists, ignored the will of local citizens, and was done without public input or notice. Since that decision, two election cycles have brought in six new school board members.

In the wake of the 2020 decision, public anger and outrage was channeled into action.  A group called the Coalition for Better Schools asked the board to restore the old names, citing the need to remember the area’s War Between The States history and a belief that the 2020 school board made the renaming decision in haste. In explaining the reasoning for their “yes” vote, most school board members said they believed the 2020 board had acted inappropriately in changing the names within a matter of days without enough community input.  

Across the Commonwealth, EVERY locality which has ever been allowed to vote, has voted in overwhelming majority to keep their Confederate monuments, school names, and references. Only those in cities and counties which did not allow the people to vote have been removed, yet the media and corrupt politicians will report that this is what the people want, despite all the polling data and referendums showing otherwise. 

The good people of Shenandoah County have had their voices heard, and the wrong has been righted.  Supporters vow that this is the first of many, many more such decisions to come.    


Anonymous said...

Thanks for changing the names back to honor two great Virginians! On to Staunton to change that name back to Robert E. LEE!

WyomingTAG said...

Thank you for you brave stand against the fools who would pretend that our great Southern history did not exist! Rename everything you are able to...bring back ROBERT E. Lee and Jefferson Davis as our heroes...get rid of the silly names that accommodate leftist, liberal thinking!

Anonymous said...

"Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees" -Stonewall Jackson

SVCVerger said...

Wonderful!!!! Keep going and change more names back to their originals. Hope this ends up being a trend in other states.

Anonymous said...

They need to vote Gutshall out

Anonymous said...

All Confederate names should be restored

Anonymous said...

Thanks for honoring Virginia history and the contributions of General Stonewall Jackson! Keep up the good work. Keep fighting for our ancestors and heritage!

Anonymous said...

If private donations did not pay for the changes, why would they pay for correcting the mistake?

BILL STROUD. said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YES!!! Thank you, courageous and honorable board members who voted for this.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! And immediately!

Anonymous said...

Gutshall voted FOR the change in 2022 supposedly on the grounds that the names were changed hastily and underhandedly. Not sure what changed other than time between 2022-2024. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Zac said...

Finally a stand against woke liberals and their destroy and revise history agenda! Well done school board members and keep your heritage alive and well!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Shouldn't have to pay to reverse the bad decision made with public money using private funds.

Anonymous said...

Great news certainly. The private donation thing is a little troubling and is certainly a hurdle that will be tough to clear but it can and will be done.
Any idea where donations can be made?

Tex said...

The argument hasn't changed since the founding.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to read about some good news and finally win a key battle!!! Congratulations Shenandoah County! The people's will shall be done!
Work now needs to be done at the grassroots level to restore Lee-Davis High and Stonewall Jackson Middle in Hanover County!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a huge step in the right direction to ending cancel culture that creates the BIGGEST divide in our nation. THANK YOU to the school board members who stood their ground, unfortunately it’s sad to see Kyle Gutshall be so easily swayed by the radical left. His campaign was once in support of restoring the names. Not sure what happened in the last 2 years to make him change. Vote him out.

Anonymous said...

Prayers were answered!!! Continue to stand up to these extremists or they will continue until all history has been erased.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all who stood up for what was right. Now to restore the teaching of history in the classroom!!

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! Deo Vindice!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We had a Robert E Lee elementary school in Spotsylvania too. Hopefully we can get that changed back soon too!

Anonymous said...

The donations didn't come in the first time because WE DIDNT want STONEWALL OR ASHBY LEE CHANGED, now we want our names back and have the funding in place!!

Anonymous said...

When the fear of being sued takes over the fear of doing what's right then there's a problem. The name of those schools represent history. History that they are not ready to forget, or how they got to where they are and at what sacrifices what cost.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Let's hope this happens in other places too. And then also bring monuments back.

Anonymous said...

Donations can be mailed to'
Coalition for Better Schools
P. O. Box 854
Mount Jackson, VA 22842

(Proud "1967" Stonewall Jackson High School Graduate)