Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Monument Guards Update

We are halfway through our fourth week of Monument Guards in Richmond, and are thrilled to report that things APPEAR to have quieted down in the Capital of the Confederacy.

The Va Flaggers have coordinated patrols of the city's monuments each night since June 26, when one of our folks surprised a vandal in the act of defacing the Jefferson Davis Monument.  Thanks to information they were able to provide, and evidence left at the scene, the perpetrator was subsequently arrested and convicted.

  Since that time, over three dozen volunteers, including a father-son duo from Pennsylvania, and a couple who traveled all the way from Chicago, Illinois, have stepped up to serve as Monument Guards.  During this time, we have seen increased security by both Richmond Police and State Capitol Police, both of whom have thanked us for our added patrols and cooperation.

Our good friend, David Tatum, wanted to do something to show the Monument Guards his appreciation, and made and sent these ribbons.

At a meeting last week, we were able to present them to a few of those who have taken part in the  patrols....


Thank you, David, for the gifts of appreciation, and many thanks to each and every person who has volunteered to take a shift on monument patrol. 
We have also received confirmation from RPD this week that ads have been placed to promote the $1,500 reward that we set up for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the FIRST vandalizing of the Jefferson Davis Monument.  As soon as we have links we will share them, and plan on posting information throughout the museum district, in hopes of getting someone with information to come forward.
Thank you all for your continued prayers, and steadfast support.

God bless the Monument Guards!

Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150


  1. Blessings to all who have given their time and effort to guard and protect those monuments. [><]

  2. God Bless the Flaggers!!! Our country has stepped on a very slippery slope. The line must be drawn. The media and the politicians must be made aware.

  3. it's really important to protect our monuments to save our past culture. really nice work



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