In a statement, Minority Leader Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah, criticized the statue’s removal:
Speaker’s statement reaffirming her commitment to telling the whole
history of the Commonwealth is perplexing, given the fact that that the
Lee statute in the old House chamber literally marks the spot where Lee
accepted his general’s commission, setting off some of the most historic
and tragic events in our nation’s history. Unlike the Lee monument on
Monument Avenue, this statue is a historical marker. Another historical
reality is that the Capitol building itself served as the Confederate
Capitol, a fact that should no doubt force the Speaker’s new Advisory
Group to recommend that it be razed to the ground.”
is heartbreaking, to say the least, but certainly doesn't come as a
surprise to any of us who have watched the Democrats and their EVIL,
vindictive actions since they gained control of our legislature in
We understand, like few others, that all of this destruction and
desecration is because 150+ years later, liberal Democrats are still
terrified of the Confederacy and what we stood for...and they know full
well it had NOTHING to do with slavery or race.
It was the last time Godly men of honor and valor had the courage to stand against evil tyranny...and THAT scares them to death.
Can Filler-Corn be arrested? If not now, when the Republicans take control again?
Only if we let them!!! They know we are going to be complacent....And they are counting on that.. and taking advantage of our civilness.. Isss there any way that we can take our monuments and put them on private property where we can guard them, from there ignorance. What goes around comes around.
Thank you for this update.I’m sad and angry about what is happening. I was doxed and lost 90% of my customers from a hit job from comments I made about monument avenue on face book. I ironically spent a few weeks walking up and down monument avenue BEFORe the riots , so I was particularly upset about what the police and officials allowed to happen. Lets not forget, the police, who we pay, stood down. If we were there to protect the statues? Wow,we would have been mowed down and arrested and prosecute.
But I’m concerned with people who are thinking this is about the confederacy or liberals, or BLM, or globalists. Its not. Its about white people, especially white men. Until white men realize we are targeted for extinction, or severe marginalization, we will continue to lose ground. This is the bridge that needs to be crossed. Whites need to start sticking up for whites as whites. And we need to call it that. We cant call it “America” or “heritage” or “the past” or “Tradition”. No. We need to say, “us whites want x”. Until that happens, we will lose lose lose.
We need to know what we can do! We need to stop this! What group is fighting this? Who can we support? If you know of a group that is fighting this please let me know. I don't understand how they are allowed to destroy/remove OUR history! Even now, lets not sit quietly by. Please post actions we can take, letters we can send, phone calls we can make!
I am wondering the same thing about these so called "legal acts" that these dark souls are doing! I pray every day for this to stop! Our beautiful historical city and state HAS to have protection. There are laws and they have broken and twisted them to serve their personal beliefs! I'm SORRY! All of what has been removed from our city belongs to ALL Virginians! Not the Narrsisstic Govenor, Mayor, and Filler-Corn. NONE of this was done "For the People" or "By the People" .
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