Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Va Flaggers High-Flying Confederates

A reporter from Style Weekly contacted us today about a recent post on our FaceBook page, so we released the following statement, shared now with all:

"The Virginia Flaggers are pleased to present the following photos, taken during research, development, and testing of drones that were acquired recently to assist in our heritage defense operations.

In addition to assisting in heritage defense projects, we are excited about the prospects for their use in capturing and recording unique images and video at Confederate Memorial Services, ceremonies, parades, protests, and other events, which would be available to participants and as media releases.  We believe that the drones will also be helpful in scouting possible sites for additional Interstate Memorial Confederate Battle Flags, assisting with research on battle fields, and helping to record and research information from previously undiscovered or inaccessible cemeteries.

As we do with any operation, we are carefully testing the units and training operators, while researching all applicable laws and regulations to ensure we operate within the existing guidelines, and to secure the safety of our Flaggers, as well as the protection of citizens and property. 

As more testing and further development takes place, we will provide further updates and share additional information.

We hope you enjoyed these incredible photos from the Capital of the Confederacy, and invite you to consider lending your support to our heritage defense efforts. 

Who are we?  The Virginia Flaggers are citizens of the Commonwealth who have come together to stand AGAINST those who would desecrate our Confederate Monuments and Memorials, and FOR the honor of our Confederate Vetera

See the article here:

Susan Hathaway
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Friday, October 24, 2014

Va Flaggers Poll: Which Flag Should Fly At Savage's Station?

In July, the Virginia Flaggers raised a 52" x 52" version of the Army of Northern Virginia (ANV) Battle Flag on a 30' pole at Savage's Station Battle Field in Henrico County, Virginia, in memory of the almost 500 Confederate casualties of June 29, 1862.

The flag was starting to show a bit of wear, so when we went to change it out, we decided to run a 5'x8' Army of Tennessee (AOT) version up to see how the larger flag would fly.  In the photo below, the ANV version is on the left, and the larger AOT on the right. 

After some consideration, we thought it would be fun to let YOU, our supporters, have a say in which flag flies at Savage's Station for the next few months.  What do you think?  Let us know, and we will announce the results on November 1st, and let YOU decide which flag will fly at Savage's Station.

Which flag would you prefer to see flying at the Va Flaggers' Memorial at Savage's Station Battle Field?
52" x 52" Army of Northern Virginia Version Battle Flag
5' x 8' Army of Tennessee Version Battle Flag
poll generator 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Va Flaggers Update: Confederate Flag to Fly in Danville!
"City Manager Joe King announced today that the City Council will consider a resolution at its November 6, 2014 meeting stating that it has determined that under Virginia law, the City does not have the legal authority to remove the Confederate flag flying on the grounds of the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History. The City Manager received a September 30, 2014 letter from Cara Burton, Executive Director of the museum, conveying her board of directors’ request that the City of Danville remove the Confederate flag. The November 6th resolution directs the City Manager to notify the museum Board of Directors that it cannot consider its request."
Information we received indicates that YOUR contact with City Officials made a HUGE difference.  We know that calls, emails, and letters were running 10-1 SUPPORTING the flag!

Last night, supporters filled the City Council Meeting, and spoke 10-2 in favor of leaving the flag.
"By the time council members walked out of their closed meeting and entered council chambers for the regular meeting, every seat was taken -- mostly by people holding Confederate flags."

Truly a joint effort, the Va Flaggers were honored to be a part of a group that included the local Heritage Preservation Association, Danville SCV and UDC, OCR, Mechanized Cavalry, and concerned citizens from Danville, across Virginia and the South who came together to stand against the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History's request to remove the flag from the Sutherlin Museum.

God bless all those who took the time to support the efforts in Danville...and God Save the South!

Susan Hathaway
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

VMFA Update - "But No More Than That..."!


By Ellen Robertson (Richmond Times-Dispatch November 11, 1993)

"The R.E. Lee Camp of United Confederate Veterans voted to deed a chunk of the Confederate Soldiers' Home grounds at Grove Avenue and the Boulevard as a site for a state museum of fine arts 60 years ago this week.

The Veterans approved a site of about 300 feet fronting the Boulevard and a 175-foot strip along Grove Avenue for what would become the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, a structure to cost $250,000.

But no more than that, the veterans emphasized. They still hoped the rest of the property could be developed as a Confederate memorial park.

Gov. Garland Pollard said work on the museum would begin immediately."

"But no more than that, the veterans emphasized." The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) exists today ONLY because of the generosity of the Confederate Veterans who donated the land for the museum to be constructed. In return, less than 100 years later, Museum and Virginia officials have stolen the rest of the of land, and stripped the Confederate Memorial Chapel of its Battle Flags.

The Virginia Flaggers entered our THIRD year of flagging the VMFA with nearly 2 dozen flaggers on the Boulevard on September 27th, including Flaggers who traveled from as far away as Tennessee and Confederate Mizourah to join us! 

Our Flaggers were on the Boulevard for a full day, and were surprised and thrilled when a delivery of pizza showed up, courtesy of an anonymous supporter!  :)

Beautiful weather meant plenty of opportunities to talk with museum visitors, residents, and tourists, and a Russian news station stopped by for an interview...

Flagging has continued, throughout October, twice a week, with October 1 marking the three year anniversary of the very first flagging.

Three years of forwarding the colors, standing for our ancestors, and changing hearts and minds.  Even so, every flagging brings a new opportunity to educate.  These ladies stopped and asked (with great skepticism) about what was going on with "all the flags on the sidewalk". They listened to a brief explanation of the situation at the Confederate Memorial Chapel and left with fliers in hand, a new perception of our flags, and a new understanding of those that who carry them and why.

Midweek flagging brought a special surprise, as we were joined by a supporter all the way from ALASKA! We were so thankful that he took time out from his visit to come stand with us!

We enter our third year of flagging the VMFA with renewed determination and commitment to seeing the Confederate Battle Flags returned to the portico of the Confederate Memorial Chapel.

Join us, and be a part of those "taking it to the streets", and standing for our Confederate veterans.

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Danville Confederate Flag Removal...Round 2

1st White House of the Confederacy, Montgomery, Alabama. (ABOVE) On March 4, 1861, President John Tyler's granddaughter, Miss Letitia Tyler, raised the first flag of the Confederacy, the Stars and Bars, on the Capitol grounds. Today, a First National proudly flies on the grounds of the home and museum which is located directly across from the State Capitol building. The museum is a wonderful tribute to President Davis and his family, and a real treasure and asset to Montgomery's heritage and tourism.

Meanwhile, back in Virginia, at the LAST Capital of the Confederacy (BELOW), a Third National flag proudly flies on the lawn, marking the Sutherlin Mansion as the last residence of Jefferson Davis as President of the Confederate States of America.

"The Anne Eliza Johns Chapter 164, UDC was instrumental in saving the last Capital of the Confederacy”, the old Sutherlin Mansion, home of Major William T. Sutherlin in Danville. President Jefferson Davis stayed there April 3-10, 1865 when he and his cabinet evacuated Richmond. The last full cabinet meeting was held here and this is where Davis received news of Lee's surrender. When Mrs. Sutherlin died in 1912, the mansion was threatened with demolition. The Daughters raised $20,000, Half of the funds required, which were matched by the City of Danville. In 1912, the City deeded to the UDC two upstairs rooms in the mansion for a meeting place in appreciation of their work in saving the building. A wall was removed to make one large room which the chapter continues to use for its meetings. The room contains the marble table where Jefferson Davis wrote The Last Proclamation”. The two chandeliers in the room are original to the house. There are many antiques and collectibles in the chapter room donated by friends including portraits of the Sutherlins and Anne Eliza Johns along with items purchased by the chapter such as the iron strong box which stored the gold brought to Danville by President Davis." (

Through their generosity, the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History was established. Fast forward 100 years, and museum Director Cara Burton has decided to repay this kindness by sending a letter to Danville City Council requesting the Third National Confederate flag be removed from the property.  Instead of honoring the heritage and history of the historic property,  the museum has chosen to make a request that dishonors the proud history of the Sutherlin Mansion, and disprespects the very organization to whom they owe their existence.

On October 9th, dozens of supporters of the flag attended the Danville City Council meeting to urge members to deny the request. The matter was discussed in closed session, and although comments from citizens were in support of the flag by a 4 to 1 margin, council members chose NOT to end the matter quickly, as they should have, by simply denying the request. Reportedly, more "research" will be done, and the matter will be discussed and action decided in another closed session meeting on October 21st, followed immediately by an open City Council meeting.

The Mayor and each member of City Council announced that they wanted to hear what the citizens have to say on this matter. Have you let YOUR voice be heard? Your ancestors can no longer speak. If you do not raise your voice in their defense, who will?

Please take time over the next 9 days to write, call, and email the Mayor, City Council members, and the City Manager's office. Be polite, but firm...and encourage them to honor the history and heritage of Danville and her people by denying the absurd request by the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History. Ask them to honor the 1994 resolution and abide by Virginia State Law, which prohibits the removal of the memorial flag.

A City Council staff directory, with contact information can be found here:

City Manager's Office directory here...

ACT NOW...forward this information to help reach as many as possible... and make plans to attend the meeting on October 21st.

Susan Hathaway
Virginia Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Trey Tate Obituary

The Virginia Flaggers are mourning the sudden loss of one of our own. Floyd Lewis Tate III (Trey), 31, a dedicated defender of the honor of his Confederate ancestors, was killed tragically in a traffic accident early Tuesday morning.

Funeral services will be held Friday, October 10, 2014 at Bethany Christian Church, 2401 Bethany Church Rd., Bumpass, Virginia, 23024.  Visitation: 1:00 p.m.  Memorial Service: 2:00 p.m. and graveside service at 3:00 p.m. 

In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to the Richmond SPCA, or the Edmund Ruffin Fire-Eaters, Camp #3000, Sons of Confederate Veterans, P.O. Box 70086, Henrico, VA 23255-0086.

Some of you may recall that Trey lost his father just a few short months ago. We humbly ask for prayers for his family, including his infant daughter, his mother, and his brother, Brandon White and their families...and for your patience and understanding as we take time to support the family, and grieve for a young life cut short.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.  For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.  2 Corinthians 1:3-5

With a heavy heart,
Susan Hathaway
Virginia Flaggers

P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Danville Museum Wants Confederate Flag Removed - UPDATE


Many thanks to all of you who took the time to email, write or call the suggested contacts for the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History, as well as the Danville City Manager and Mayor.

After reviewing the state and city ordinances, resolutions, and statutes regarding the Confederate memorial at the Sutherlin Mansion, we are confident that the outrageous request from the Director of the museum is BY LAW not permissible, and will be denied.

Still, we MUST remain vigilant, and ask that each of you, if you have not already done so, take a few minutes to write a polite email or make a phone call and let those involved know just how many people feel strongly about this matter.  Encourage Museum Director Ms. Cara Burton to withdraw her request, and urge the City Manger and City Attorney to deny the request and put an end to this nonsense.

Danville City Manager Joe King: 
(434) 799-5100

Danville City Mayor Sherman M. Saunders
 (434) 799-8737

City Attorney W. Clarke Whitfield, Jr. 
Ph: (434) 799-5122
Fx: (434) 797-8972

Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History
975 Main Street
Danville, Virginia 24541
Phone: 434.793.5644
Fax:     434.799.6145
Executive Director Cara Burton

This is the form email reply that is being sent from City officials:
Thank you for your email.
Please be aware that the Danville City Council has not yet had the opportunity to consider the request of the Board of Directors of the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History to remove the Confederate flag from the museum grounds.  When it does, discussions will be conducted at announced times in public meetings.  City Council will seek public input on the matter before making a decision.  Please regularly check our municipal website,, for news and announcements.

From the City Clerk this morning:
"Next Danville Council meeting is Thursday Oct 9th @ 7pm.  Flag agenda not on Oct 7th agenda - per city clerk. She states flag agenda may be in Work session agenda immediately following council meeting across the hall.  Public is welcome to attend BOTH council and work sessions, but comments are not allowed in work session."
Based on this information, we would encourage any and all who oppose the removal of the Confederate Memorial in Danville, and who can make the trip, to attend both the meeting and work session Thursday night.  A strong showing, as a preemptive strike, will send a message to both museum and city officials.  427 Patton Street, Council Chambers, 4th Floor, Danville, VA 24541

Thank you all for your support and efforts.

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers

Saturday, October 4, 2014


"The Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History's board of directors has approved a three-year strategic plan to create a new mission and vision that will drive new initiatives and partnerships.  As part of the initiative, the museum's board of directors recently asked the city "to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds of the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History," according to a letter sent to City Manager Joe King.

The new theme for the museum, "The Last Capitol of the Confederacy, The Beginning of a United Nation," will help define the museum's goal to be more inclusive and improve the scope of its work, according to a news release from the museum. The new theme recognizes the museum's 40-year history and the legacy of the Sutherlin Mansion.
In the waning days of the Civil War, the mansion served as the final home of the Confederate government after the fall of Richmond. Danville is considered the "last capitol" because it marked the last time the full Confederate government met in one place before the armies in the field surrendered."

Contact information:
Danville City Manager Joe King:  (434) 799-5100

Danville City Mayor Sherman M. Saunders (434) 799-8737
Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History
975 Main Street
Danville, Virginia 24541
Phone: 434.793.5644
Fax:   434.799.6145

Executive Director Cara Burton

Urge the museum to withdraw their request.  Urge the Mayor and City Manager to leave the flag display AS IS!

Susan Hathaway
Virginia Flaggers
P.O. Box 547
Sandston VA 23150

Friday, October 3, 2014


It has become apparent to us, in talking with and hearing from W&L alumni and students, and even members of our own heritage organizations, that MANY good people have accepted President Ruscio and other university officials' "smoke and mirrors" explanation for the recent removal of Confederate Battle Flags from the LEE Chapel.

We, and a growing number of others who have followed this entire incident since "The Committee" sent its letter of demands in April, see through these PR attempts and are committed to exposing the act for what it was --¦a lame, disgraceful attempt to appease 6 agitators.

Even a cursory examination of the press releases from the University finds that President Ruscio has engaged in double talk and rhetoric that even he cannot keep straight from one month to the next.

When the flags were stripped from the Chapel in July, Ruscio released a statement which included the following:
In his letter Tuesday, the administrator said the purpose of the historic flags in a campus setting is to educate. They are not to be displayed for decoration, which would diminish their significance, or for glorification, or to make a statement about past conflicts,he wrote. The reproductions are not genuinely historic; nor are they displayed with any information or background about what they are. The absence of such explanation allows those who eitheroppose orsupport them to assert their own subjective and frequently incorrect interpretations.
Link to the statement here:

This is very interesting double talk, considering Ruscio's comments, made just a few months earlier:
Lee Chapel displays replicas of eight battle flags that represented different armies of the Confederate States of America, at the back of the chapel's main floor, near the statue called "The Recumbent Lee." THESE REPLICAS ARE DESIGNED FOR HISTORICAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. I am aware of no similar displayed anywhere else on our campus...
Link to the statement here:

So, according to Ruscio, (in April, 2014) the flags were displayed for historical and educational purposes and yet by July, 2014, they have become a  decoration  and therefore their removal was required.

What REALLY changed between April and July?  What pressures were exerted that would force Ruscio and W&L officials to do such an about face and decide to desecrate the Chapel and dishonor the memory of General Robert E Lee and the thousands of Confederate Veterans with direct ties to the university?  We are determined to find the answers to these questions, and continue to fight this battle from all sides, until the flags are returned, and the honor is restored to the LEE Chapel.

Last week, we sent an update with new contact information for the Rector of the W&L Board of Trustees. We received information that the email address was incorrect and have included the revised information below.  PLEASE continue to contact these folks and let them know that we have only just begun to fight.  FORWARD this and all communications to any W&L students and/or alumni so that we can counter the lies that are being told.

In the meantime, the Virginia Flaggers will be back at the LEE Chapel at Washington & Lee THIS SATURDAY, October 4th, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, forwarding the colors and protesting the desecration of the RE LEE mausoleum by University officials. We will be handing out literature, and educating students, Lexington residents, and tourists about the forced removal of Confederate Battle Flags from the Chapel, in response to the demands of SIX W&L law students. JOIN US, and be a part of those taking a stand against this vile act of desecration, and for the sacred memory and honor of Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Contact Info:

J. Donald Childress
Rector of the Board of Trustees
Atlanta, Georgia

Kenneth P. Ruscio
President of the University

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

Va Flaggers